Thank you for taking the time to discuss future potential of my business with me.
Thank you for making time to see me regarding my potential business oppotunities.
①Thank you for taking the time to discuss future potential of my business with me.
Thank you for taking the time→お時間を取って頂きありがとうございます
to discuss→話し合う
future potential→将来性
my business→私の事業
②Thank you for making time to see me regarding my potential business opportunities.
Thank you for making time→お時間を作って頂きありがとうございます
to see me→私と会う為に
potential business opportunities→将来性があるビジネスチャンス
Thank youから始まる文章以外に、下記のようなフレーズもOKです。
I greatly appreciate・・・
I am very grateful for・・・
I would like to express my gratitude for・・・
Greatly appreicate→とても感謝している
副詞のGreatlyやVeryを他の副詞と置き換えてもOKです。例えば、Immensely、Extremelyなど。Thank youにvery much/so muchを付け足してもOKです。