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在庫が無い・在庫を切らしている、と言う意味で使います。 友達にお土産で頼まれたものが在庫切れだったので、 そのことを伝えたいです。
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2018/02/16 20:07
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  • Out of stock

  • Running low

"Out of stock" is the most popular way to explain this situation as it literally means there is no stock of this product in the store. "Running low" can also be used, however, it suggests there may be a few items still left in the store, so it's better to use this if you are just about to run out of stock.
"Out of stock" お店に実際、その[商品](のストックがないという意味なので、このフレーズがこの状況にはぴったりでしょう。 "Running low" も使うことができますが、これはお店にわずかに[在庫](があるという意味になりますので、もう少しで在庫が切れそうという状況には、このフレーズを使うといいでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • We no longer carry that item at the moment.

  • We no longer have that item in stock.

  • I do not believe we carry that item anymore.

All of these sentences will tell someone that your store does not carry something either at the moment, or indefinably
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Out Of Stock

  • Currently Unavailable

  • Sold Out

When we use these kinds of expressions such as "Out Of Stock", "Currently Unavailable", and "Sold Out", we are talking about something that is no longer available in a store, shop, supermarket, etc. The most common expression you will find in many stores is the expression "Sold Out"in written form, but the other two are also very common as well but more commonly in a verbal form. Usually, store clerks and cashiers will say things such as: "Those shoes are currently out of stock at the moment." "We will have more pastries soon, but at the moment, they are currently unavailable."
在庫切れのことを "Out Of Stock", "Currently Unavailable" "Sold Out"と言います。お店、スーパーなどで買うことのできないものについて話しています。 多くのお店で見かける最も一般的な表現は、 文書では "Sold Out"で、そのほかの二つもとても一般的ですが、口語で使われるのが普通です。 店員やレジの係の人が以下のように言うでしょう。  "Those shoes are currently out of stock at the moment." この靴は、現在在庫切れです。 "We will have more pastries soon, but at the moment, they are currently unavailable." パン菓子類はすぐに入りますが、今のところ在庫切れです。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • out of stock

  • discontinued, no longer making or not in the store

sometimes out of stock means that a product needs to be ordered, that they have sold out and are out of stock. other times it can mean that it is no longer being made or is unavailable, out of stock or discontinued is another word sometimes used.
out of stock は、商品を注文する必要がある、売り切れていて、在庫がないということを意味する場合があります。 もはや生産されていない、入手できない、在庫切れであるということを意味する場合もあります。discontinuedという語が、同じ意味で使われることがあります。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Out of stock

  • Sold out

When a shop runs out of a product, it is said that the shop has 'sold out' of that item or that the shop is out of stock of that item. "Do you have any green underpants left please?" "Sorry, we're sold out of those."
お店の在庫が切れたとき、その商品が 'sold out'または out of stock of と言います。 "Do you have any green underpants left please?" 緑の下着のパンツは残っていますか? "Sorry, we're sold out of those." すみません。売り切れです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We have run out of this item.

  • Temporarily out of stock.

Q. Hi, where can I find this product in your store? A. I'm sorry, but we have run out of this item. (This means the product is finished.) A. Unfortunately, we are temporarily out of stock. (This means the product is finished, but the store will get more in soon.)
Q. Hi, where can I find this product in your store? 質問:こんにちは。あなたのお店のどこでこの商品が手に入りますか? A. I'm sorry, but we have run out of this item. (This means the product is finished.) 返事:申し訳ありませんが、この商品は売り切れです。(その商品がもうないということです) A. Unfortunately, we are temporarily out of stock. (This means the product is finished, but the store will get more in soon.) 返事:あいにく、一時的に在庫を切らしています。(商品はないが、すぐに入荷するという意味です)
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • That item is currently out of stock.

  • Out of stock

  • Sold out

Out of stock' is the easiest and most direct way to describe that the item the customer wants is no longer available. 'Sold out' means that you had the item but they have all been bought. Therefore there is none left. Example Customer- 'Hi, do you have any of the Eiffel Tower souvenirs left?' Shop Assistant - ''I am sorry but that item is sold out'' ''I am sorry but that item is out of stock''
Out of stock'(在庫切れ)は、お客さんが欲しいアイテムがないことを伝える最も簡単で、直接的な表現です。  'Sold out' は、その商品あったが、全て売り切れたという意味です。ですので、その商品が一つも残っていないという意味です。   例: Customer- 'Hi, do you have any of the Eiffel Tower souvenirs left?' 客-「こんにちは。エッフェル塔のお土産はまだありますか?」 Shop Assistant - ''I am sorry but that item is sold out'' お店の人-「申し訳ありませんが、売り切れてしまいました。」 ''I am sorry but that item is out of stock'' 申し訳ありませんが、その商品は在庫切れです。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • out of stock

  • sold out

「在庫が無い」「在庫を切れしている」「在庫切れ」等、のことは英語で「out of stock」と「sold out」で表現できます。 だから、「友達にお土産で頼まれたものが在庫切れだった」は英語で: 「The souvenir my friend asked me to get was out of stock」 「The souvenir my friend asked me to get was sold out」 例文: 「スーパーで牛乳が在庫切れだった」 →「Milk was out of stock at the supermarket」 →「Milk was sold out at the supermarket」 「マスクを買いたいけど、どこでも在庫切れだ」 →「I want to buy masks but it is out of stock everywhere」 →「I want to buy masks but it is sold out everywhere」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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