1.) "Where is your trash can?":これは直訳すると「あなたのゴミ箱はどこにありますか?」となります。ホームステイ先のホストにゴミ箱の場所を教えてもらうことを示します。
2.) "Where can I put trash?":この表現は「どこにゴミを置けばいいですか?」という意味になります。ホストに対してゴミを捨てる適切な場所を尋ねる際に使う表現です。
3.) "Where can I throw this away?":これは「これをどこに捨てればいいですか?」となり、具体的なアイテムを指してゴミ箱の場所を尋ねる際に使います。
英語では「ごみ」を指す語として trash という言葉が使われます。また、「~を捨てる」という動詞としては throw away を用います。
Do you have a trash can somewhere I can throw these away?
それは、”is there any place"、「場所はありますか?」と始め、”I can throw these away?"(捨てられる)と付ければ、「これらのごみを捨てられるところはありますか?」というような丁寧な聞き方もまたできますね。
同じように、”Do you have a trash can somewhere..."、「どこかに捨てる場所ありますか?」というようなニュアンスの聞き方、いずれも他の先生の内容とはちょっとだけ違うパターンとなります。
1. The rubbish bin is usually a large container for rubbish outside the building in the UK.
2. A bin may be a smaller container for rubbish inside the building e.g. a kitchen bin.
3. Rubbish (UK) = trash (US)
Where' is a question word that is used when referring to a place or location.
In this instance you are looking to find the place where the host mother throws the trash.
Where is your trashcan?
The answer will let you know the location of the trashcan.
A trashcan is the container used for trash or refuse.
A: Where is your trashcan?
B: It's in next to the kitchen door.
Where should I put the trash?
When using this, one is indirectly asking where the trashcan is.
That means that you are asking where the trashcan is without making use of the word 'trashcan'
A: Where should I put the trash?
B: In the trashcan that's outside.
Where is your trashcan?
A: Where is your trashcan?
B: It's in next to the kitchen door.
Where should I put the trash?
A: Where should I put the trash?
B: In the trashcan that's outside.
For both questions, you need to use the location -wh question, "when," but it is the subject of the sentence that really changes the ordering of these two sentences.
"Where is the trash can?"
-This refers to the general location of the trash can itself.
"Where can I throw this away,"
-Has the first person singular subject, "I," to talk about where you are able to throw or discard something.
どちらの質問にも、場所を表す疑問詞 "Where" が必要になります。ただ、これらの文で語順を決めているのは主語です。
"Where is the trash can?"(ゴミ箱はどこですか)
"Where can I throw this away?"(これはどこに捨てればいいですか)
→ここでは一人称単数形 "I"(私)を主語にして、ゴミをどこに捨てればいいか尋ねています。
Could you show me where the rubbish bin is, please?
Where do you keep your rubbish bin?
Could you show me where the rubbish bin is, please?
> It is polite to start your request with the phrase, ''could you...?''. You could also use, ''can you...?'' which sounds more casual.
>In this sentence, you are politely asking the host to show you where you can dump (throw away) your rubbish.
:Where do you keep your rubbish bin?
> When you ask this question, the host will know you are asking where the bin is placed so that you could throw away your trash (waste; dirt).
Could you show me where the rubbish bin is, please?(ゴミ箱はどこにありますか)
>お願いをするときは ''could you...?'' で始めると丁寧です。''can you...?'' も使えます。''can you...?'' の方がカジュアルです。
Where do you keep your rubbish bin?(ゴミ箱はどこにありますか)