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2018/03/16 22:48
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  • It takes about 5 minutes to get there from Tokyo station.

it takes about --- 「~くらいかかる」 to get there 「そこに到着する」 場所の距離を言う時は移動手段も言うとなお良いですね! on foot 徒歩で by bus バスで by train 電車で by taxi タクシーで 例文 It takes about 10 min by train. 電車で10分くらいかかる。 It takes about 20 min by car when the traffic is heavy. 渋滞していると車で20分くらいかかる。
  • The bar is about 5 minutes from Tokyo station by car

  • The office is a 5 minute walk from Tokyo station

  • You can get to Tokyo station from the office in about 5 minutes by bicycle

Well, firstly; you obviously need to state what mode of transport you are using if you are talking about a travel time of 5 minutes. There are 3 examples above using different formats, all of which are quite acceptable.
「5分の距離」と言う場合、当然、どの交通機関を使ってなのかを言う必要があります。 上に異なる形式の例文を三つあげました。どれも使える表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's like five minutes from Tokyo station.

★ 訳 「それは東京駅から5分くらいです」 ★ 解説  前置詞 like「〜のような」を使いました。この単語は about の代わりにも使うことができますので、ぜひ試しに使って見てくださいね。  ご参考になれば幸いです。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • It only takes five minutes from Tokyo Station

  • It is only five minutes from Tokyo Station.

Five minutes is not a lot! So you can always make it seem like an easy task by using the word 'only'. Saying, "It is only five minutes from Tokyo Station." or, "It only takes five minutes from Tokyo Station." Allows the listener to image a short distance they know that only takes five minutes.
5分は長い時間ではありません。 'only'.という語を使うことでいつもそのことが簡単なことだと思わせることが出来ます。 例文 "It is only five minutes from Tokyo Station." 東京駅からほんの5分です "It only takes five minutes from Tokyo Station." 東京駅から5分しかかかりません 聞き手に距離が近いとイメージさせ、5分しかかからないということが分かります。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • We will arrive in 5 minutes

  • It is about 5 minutes away

  • Our destination is 5 minutes away

We will arrive at our destination in 5 minutes. You can also refer to the arrival time. We will arrive in 5 minutes. We are 5 minutes away from our location. The station will be coming up in 5 minutes. There are numerous ways you can apply the vocabulary above using whatever time limit is necessary. (For example, our food will arrive in 30 minutes, The food is 30 minutes away)
We will arrive at our destination in 5 minutes. (5分で目的地に着きます。) 到着時刻を言うこともできます。 We will arrive in 5 minutes. We are 5 minutes away from our location. (5分で着きます。) The station will be coming up in 5 minutes. (駅には5分で着きます。) 上のボキャブラリーは(適当な時間を入れて)いろいろなことに応用できます。 Our food will arrive in 30 minutes. The food is 30 minutes away. (食事は30分後です。)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • If you leave from Tokyo station, it will take you 5 minutes to get to your destination

If you leave from Tokyo station, it will take you 5 minutes to get to your destination This informs the person that if their starting point is Tokyo station, then within 5 minutes they will reach their destination. A destination is the final place they intend to go to. This of course will dependent on their mode of transportation.
If you leave from Tokyo station, it will take you 5 minutes to get to your destination (東京駅からだと5分で目的地に着きます。) これは「東京駅からだと5分で目的地に着きます」という意味です。「destination」は「目的地」という意味です。かかる時間はもちろん、交通手段によりますね。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Its only five minutes from Tokyo station.

  • From Tokyo station is just five minutes.

  • It is about five minutes away from Tokyo station.

We giving time as related to distance you can use the words "only", "just", or "about" with give the time to or from a location as in: "about 3 minutes walk from..." or "just 5 minutes away by car".
距離についての時間を言う場合、「only(たった~だけ)」「just(たった~だけ)」「about(約~)」が使えます。 例: "about 3 minutes walk from..."(~から歩いて約3分) "just 5 minutes away by car"(車でたった5分)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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