世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/04/14 23:56
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  • I would like more student talk time

  • I want to speak more

  • I would like more speaking(pronunciation) exercises

I would like and I want both expressing your wish to do something. Followed by request. Student talk time,speak more,speaking exercises all telling teacher what exactly you want
I would likeも I want もどちらとも自分がしたいことを伝えるフレーズです。先生に話す練習をもっとしたいと伝えるフレーズです。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind if I spoke more in the lesson?

  • I'd like to focus on my speaking

  • I'd like to practice speaking more

Stating it as a question indicates that you would like to speak more and it is also polite to ask. You can also say something like "I'd really like to focus on speaking and would appreciate it if you could help me with that". This will show your teacher that you'd like to speak more.
質問として、あなたがもっと話したい事を示すことは丁寧です。 また、次のように言う事も出来ます。 【例】 "I'd really like to focus on speaking and would appreciate it if you could help me with that" (スピーキングに力を力を入れたいです、手伝って頂けるとありがたいです) これによって、あなたがもっとスピーキングをしたい事を先生に伝えることが出来ます。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What's the recommended percentage of time a student should be speaking during a lesson?

  • Could we try to have a more balanced conversation please? I'm hardly able to say anything!

  • Do you think I should be speaking more during these lessons?

Well, some English schools may advise that a student should be speaking up to 80% of the time during a lesson, although that is really quite hard to achieve unless you are reading and studying text. If a student learning a language is able to speak about half of the lesson, then that would be well balanced in terms of conversation and input for the teacher to assess and correct. If the examples above seem a little rude, sarcastic or unsuitable for your situation, you could just say: "Can you help me to speak more during these lessons please?"
ある英会話学校では、かなり難しいことですが、レッスンの80%は生徒が話すようにアドバイスするところもあるようです。 もし生徒が習っている言語を使ってレッスンの半分は話すことができているなら、インプットとアウトプットのバランスがとれているといえるでしょう。もし例の表現が少し皮肉っぽく聞こえたり、相手に失礼に聞こえると思ったら、以下のようにも伝えることができます。   "Can you help me to speak more during these lessons please?" レッスン中にもっと話すことができるようにしてもらえますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind asking me more questions please?

A good way to talk more is to be asked questions. This lets the teacher talk by asking the question, but it is giving you more of a chance to speak for longer periods of time than your teacher.
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • What lessons would you recommend where I can do more speaking than listening?

  • I would like to practice speaking more if that is OK.

  • May we choose a lesson where I can practicing my speaking skills?

What lessons would you recommend where I can do more speaking than listening? I would like to practice speaking more if that is OK. May we choose a lesson where I can practicing my speaking skills? Please ask me questions so I can practice my speaking skills. I am interested in practicing more speaking than listening, OK?
What lessons would you recommend where I can do more speaking than listening? (リスニングよりもスピーキングがもっとできるようになるにはどんなレッスンがおすすめですか?) I would like to practice speaking more if that is OK. (もし大丈夫なら、スピーキングの練習がしたいです。) May we choose a lesson where I can practicing my speaking skills? (スピーキングの練習ができるレッスンを選んでもいいですか?) Please ask me questions so I can practice my speaking skills. (私に質問してください。そしたらスピーキングの練習ができるからです。) I am interested in practicing more speaking than listening, OK? (リスニングよりスピーキングの練習に興味がありますがいいですか?)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I'd like to improve my speaking

  • I'd like to practice speaking more

"I'd like to improve my speaking" and "I'd like to practice speaking more" both statements are expressing you would like to try/practice speaking more in order to improve/get better at speaking/pronunciation. By using 'I'd like' is a very polite and kind way of asking this.
"I'd like to improve my speaking"(スピーキングを上達させたいです) "I'd like to practice speaking more"(もっとスピーキングを練習したいです) どちらの例も、「スピーキングが上達するようにもっと話す練習がしたい」と伝えています。 'I'd like' を使うと、とても丁寧で優しい言い方になります。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for your good explanations but is it okay if I speak so I can practice my English?

  • Can I please speak more? I would like to practice my english.

"Thank you for your good explanations but is it okay if I speak so I can practice my English?"- This is a kind way to let the teacher know they might be speaking too much and you would like a turn. This thanks them for their great work but is also direct in the fact that you would like to practice your English. "Can I please speak more? I would like to practice my English."- This is a gentle way of letting your teacher know that you would like to practice your English by speaking. You indicate this by stating you would like to practice.
"Thank you for your good explanations but is it okay if I speak so I can practice my English?"(分かりやすい説明ありがとうございます。ただ、英語を使いたいので私に話させてもらえますか) →これは丁寧な言い方です。先生ばかり話しているので自分にも話をさせて欲しいと伝えています。相手の努力に感謝しつつ、英語を使いたい気持ちを率直に表しています。 "Can I please speak more? I would like to practice my English."(私にもっと話させてもらえますか。英語を使いたいので) →これは「練習のために私に話させて欲しい」のすごく良い言い方です。"I would like to practice"(練習したい)で、その気持ちを伝えています。
Jamima DMM英会話講師
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