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2018/04/17 14:43
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  • Either by car or train, the journey time is similar

  • No matter whether you go by road or rail, it will take you just as long

'Either' is a great way of introducing two options or possibilities. 'Either' is closely associated with 'or' in many constructions involving choice: EX. "You can either sit by your mother or your father." Similarly, the 'whether' and 'or' combination is also commonly used as a tool for introducing alternatives: EX. "Whether you stay in your room or sit in the garden is not my concern!"
'Either'は、どちらでもという意味の便利な単語です。よくorと一緒に使われます。 例: "You can either sit by your mother or your father." お母さんの近くでも、お父さんの近くにすわってもかまいません。  'whether' と 'or'の組み合わせも、よく使われる表現です。  例: "Whether you stay in your room or sit in the garden is not my concern!" 自分の部屋にいるか庭にいるかどちらでもかまわない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It will take about the same amount of time whether you go by car or train.

  • If you go by car or train, you will arrive at roughly the same time.

"It will take about the same amount of time whether you go by car or train." "The same amount of time" the distance you travel maybe longer, but the length of time to travel by car or train is the same. "About" This means close to or roughly. Meaning the time you arrive by car or train is close together. There might only be a five-minute difference in arrival times. "If you go by car or train, you will arrive at roughly the same time." "roughly" about or at nearly the same time. "Arrive" reach your destination.
例文 "It will take about the same amount of time whether you go by car or train." 車で行っても電車で行っても、かかる時間は大体同じだ "The same amount of time" 移動距離は少し長くなるかもしれないが、車又は電車で移動にかかる時間の長さは同じだということです。 "About" ほぼ同じだという意味です。車又は電車でかかる時間がほぼ同じだということです。到着時間はほんの5分しか違わないのかもしれません。 例文 "If you go by car or train, you will arrive at roughly the same time." 車又は電車で行っても、大体同じ時間に着くだろう "roughly"はおよそ又はほぼ同じだということです。 "Arrive" は目的地に着くことです。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • it will take roughly the same amount of time driving or taking the train

In the example.It(used to replace the journey as subject) will take roughly (meaning about or approximately) the same amount of time is a natural wAy of saying this. The journey will take approximately the same amount of time is a less natural way
例文の It(この旅の主語として使われています) will take roughly (大体と言う意味になります) the same amount of time (自然な表現になります) "The journey will take approximately the same amount of time" と言うと少し不自然な言い方になります。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • The journey takes more or less the same amount of time whether you commute by car or train.

  • It takes approximately the same time to travel there by car and train.

  • It takes give or take the same amount of time to travel there by car or train.

When trying to convey that something may take about the same amount of time to do something it's useful to use adverbs.Adverbs modify the meaning of adjectives and verbs, expressing manner, place and time.In the context of these statements, the adverbs suggest the amount of time the journey might take but suggests that it is almost so but not completely accurate.
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Whether or not you go by car or train, the ETA is about the same.

  • Going by train or driving is about the same amount of time.

"Whether or not you go by car or train, the ETA is about the same." - "Whether or not," is a phrase used in English to express "it does not matter if...." Here is is like saying, it does not matter if you go by car or train, the destination time is more or less the same. "Going by train or driving is about the same amount of time." - Here you are just expressing that the time for driving or taking the train is about the same.
"Whether or not you go by car or train, the ETA is about the same."(車で行っても電車で行っても、到着時刻はほとんど変わらない) - "Whether or not" は "It does not matter if...."(~かどうかは重要ではない)と伝える言い方です。 ここでは、 "It does not matter if you go by car or train, the destination time is more or less the same."(車で行くか電車で行くかは重要ではない、到着時刻はだいたい同じ) という感じです。 "Going by train or driving is about the same amount of time."(車で行っても電車で行っても、到着時刻はほとんど変わらない) - ここでは、車で行っても電車で行ってもかかる時間はほとんど同じだと言っています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Driving or taking the train takes about the same amount of time to get there

  • It takes about the same amount of time to get there by train or driving

if something is equal in the time it takes to do then you can also say it is the 'same amount' of time so you can say 'it takes about the same amount of time to get there by train or driving'
どちらも同じ時間を要するなら、'same amount of time' が使えます。 次のように言えます。 'it takes about the same amount of time to get there by train or driving' (そこまでは電車でも車でも同じくらいの時間がかかります)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It doesn't matter if you take the train or car. You'll arrive at the same time.

  • Going by train or car takes the exact amount of time to reach wherever you want to go.

It doesn't matter if you take the train or car. You'll arrive at the same time. This is a direct way of explaining the situation. With this sentence, the listener will understand that there is no difference in taking the train or car. It only depends now on the listener's preference. Whichever they find is more comfortable. Going by train or car takes the exact amount of time to reach wherever you want to go. Exact amount of time means you will arrive at the same time. Hope this helps!
It doesn't matter if you take the train or car. You'll arrive at the same time. (電車に乗るか車に乗るかは重要ではありません、到着する時間は同じです) これは直接的な言い方です。この文で、電車で行くことと車で行くことに差がないことが伝わります。その人の好み次第ということです、自分の乗りたい方に乗ればいいと。 Going by train or car takes the exact amount of time to reach wherever you want to go.(電車で行っても車で行ってもかかる時間は全く同じです) "Exact amount of time" は「同じ時間に到着する」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • They both take equal amounts of time

  • You will arrive at the same time

"They both take equal amounts of time" for 'equal' amounts it is often referencing the same amount of something. "You will arrive at the same time" To arrive at a destination is to get to a certain destination that you are trying to get to.
"They both take equal amounts of time"(どちらも同じ時間かかります) = 'equal' は数量が等しいことを表します。 "You will arrive at the same time"(同じ時間に着きます) = 'arrive' は目的地に到着することをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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