Is there anything you don't/can't eat?
because of your religion, health or any other reasons?
I don't like 〇〇.「〇〇は嫌いなんです」
I'm allergic to 〇〇.「〇〇アレルギーです」
dislike = 好きじゃない
not my favorite = 特別好きじゃない、苦手
allergic = アレルギーがある
vegetarian = ベジタリアン
vegan = ヴィーガン
"Is there any food you can't eat?" and "Is there any food you don't eat?" is asking the same thing. You can extend the question by asking, "Is there any food you don't eat because of dietary restrictions/allergies/religious reasons?"
Is there any food you can't eat? ([食べられない](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/6982/)ものはありますか)
Is there any food you don't eat? (食べられないものはありますか)
Is there any food you don't eat because of dietary restrictions/allergies/religious reasons? (食事制限/アレルギー/宗教上の理由で食べられないものはありますか)
The two sentences you see above are excellent ways to ask someone if there is anything they can not eat. In the first sentence you will see the noun restriction. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means limitation. I hope these two sentences and this explanation help you out!
Is there anything you do not eat for reason of religion, diet, allergy or personal preference?
Do you have any food preferences or intolerances?
There are a thousand and one reasons why anyone may not wish to eat a certain dish, or type of food. Probably it is easier and neater if you just ask:
"Do you have any specific food requirements that I should know about?"
"Do you have any specific food requirements that I should know about?"
Dietary requirements refers to any form of specific foods that a person cannot or will not eat. The following are examples of dietary requirements: Vegetarianism, Allergies, Religious Reasons.
Can you please tell me what foods you are allowed to eat.
Do you have any food preferences?
Which foods are you allergic to?
If you know the person's religion, you can ask them very specifically, what they can eat.
For example, if you are sure that the person you are speaking to is Jewish, you can ask if they are eating Kosher (clean) foods. If the person is Muslim, you make ask if the food you have available is halal (sacrificed according to Islamic law) or haram (unlawful). The direct reproach is preferred. You can also inform them of what foods you would be preparing and allow them to let you know if they are able to eat it.
"Is there anything you'd like to avoid eating?"
"avoid eating"は、「食べることを避ける」という意味で、アレルギーや宗教上の理由で食べることが出来ないものがあるかを聞く時に使います。
When you want to ask someone whether they do not or cannot eat certain things (for whatever reason); then you can ask in the following ways:
-Do you have any special dietary requirements?
-Is there anything that you do not /cannot eat?
If you want to follow up with a question so they can explain the reasons they don't eat a particular thing, then you can just ask "why?" or "why don't you eat pork?".
-Do you have any special dietary requirements?
-Is there anything that you do not /cannot eat?
続けて、その食べ物を食べない理由を尋ねたいなら、"Why?"(どうして?)や "Why don't you eat pork?"(どうして豚肉を食べないの?)などと聞けます。
「Is there anything you can't eat?」「Is there anything you don't eat?」と表すことができます。
英語で can't eat で「食べられない」、don't eat で「食べない」となります。
Hi, I'll be preparing your food today. Is there anything you can't eat?
Is there anything you don't eat?
Are there any foods that you don't eat?
foods that you don't eat で「あなたが食べない食べ物」になります。
foods that you can't eat とすれば「あなたが食べられない食べ物」です。
foods that you don't want to eat なら「あなたが食べたくない食べ物」です。