世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/04 09:05
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  • Advertising determines where people spend their vacation!

  • Many people's vacation choices come from watching TV!

People base their decisions on where to vacation on what they see in the media (TV, internet, newspapers, etc.). Media power is very strong but not all people base their decisions on that, some take recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues. Advertising determines where many people spend their vacation! "determine" - to decide Many people's vacation choices come from watching TV!
旅行先はメディア(テレビ、インターネット、新聞など)の情報を基に決める人が多いですね。メディアの力は強力ですが、ただ全ての人がそれに基づいて決めているわけではありません。友達や家族、同僚の意見を参考にする人もいます。 Advertising determines where many people spend their vacation! (広告を見て旅行先を決める人が多い) "determine" - 決める Many people's vacation choices come from watching TV! (テレビを見て、旅行先を決める人が多い)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Many people choose their vacation spot based on what they see on tv.

❶ Many people choose their vacation spot based on what they see on tv. (多くの人は、旅先を決める時テレビに影響されて決めることが多い)。 その後に “And I’m that type too.” (〜私もそのタイプなの) と言うことができます。 他にも: Many young people choose their travel spot based on how Instagrammable it is. (多くの若者は旅先を決める時、インスタ映えするかによって決めることが多い)。 旅先は vacation spot または, travel spot です。
  • Television influences vacation choices

  • People often get ideas for vacations from what they see on TV.

To 'influence' is to affect the actions of someone or something. Therefore, TV can be seen as very influential! A less direct way to say the TV is choosing where you go on vacation is to say that people simply get ideas from TV. You can also 'get ideas' from a magazine, a poster, an Instagram photo etc.
influence' は、人や物の行動に影響を与えることをいいます。ですから、テレビは 'influential'(影響力のある)と言えます! 「旅行先はテレビが決めている」のより遠回しな言い方は、「人はテレビからアイデアを得ている」(例2)です。 他に、雑誌やポスター、インスタグラムの写真などからも 'get ideas'(アイデアを得る)ことがあるでしょう。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • TV shows can have a big influence on people's choice of vacation destinations.

"TV shows can have a big influence on people's choice of vacation destinations." Using the word 'influence' means the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this.
"TV shows can have a big influence on people's choice of vacation destinations."(テレビ番組は観光客の目的地選択に大きな影響を与える) 'influence' は「影響力」あるいは「影響力のある人[もの]」をいいます。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Often what people see on TV influences them for where they go on holiday.

"Often what people see on TV influences them for where they go on holiday." The term 'influences' expresses behavior or acts that have had an effect on you from others. 'Holiday' often used widely by the UK, this is a term for 'Vacation'.
"Often what people see on TV influences them for where they go on holiday."(テレビで見たもので旅行先を判断する人が多い) 'Influences' は、人に影響を与えた行動や態度を表します。 'Holiday' はイギリスでよく使われます。'Vacation'(休暇)の意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Many people make the choice about where to go on holiday based on what they have seen on TV

  • It is common for people to choose their holiday destination based on what they have seen on TV

  • TV programs and adverts have a big influence on peoples choice of holiday destinations

Many people make the choice about where to go on holiday based on what they have seen on TV. "Make the choice" is a common way natives would express "to choose". Speakers of British English would use "holiday" rather than "vacation", which is American English. It is common for people to choose their holiday destination based on what they have seen on TV. "Holiday destination" is a commonly used and succinct way of expressing "where people go on holiday", which makes the sentence sound better constructed. TV programs and adverts have a big influence on peoples choice of holiday destinations. "Influence" means to have an effect on a persons choice or decision.
Many people make the choice about where to go on holiday based on what they have seen on TV. (旅行先はテレビを見て決める人が多い) "Choose"(選ぶ)と言うとき、ネイティブはよく "Make the choice" を使います。 イギリス英語では "Vacation" よりも "Holiday"(休暇)が使われます。"Vacation" はアメリカ英語です。 ~~~~~~~~~ It is common for people to choose their holiday destination based on what they have seen on TV. (旅行先はテレビを見て決めている人が多い) "Holiday destination" はよく使われるフレーズです。これは "Where people go on holiday"(休暇で行く所)の簡潔な言い方で、文がより洗練された響きになります。 ~~~~~~~~~ TV programs and adverts have a big influence on peoples choice of holiday destinations. (テレビ番組や宣伝は観光客の旅行先に大きな影響を与える) "Influence" は「〔判断・選択に〕影響を与える」という意味です。
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • Many people base their holiday destinations on things they see on the TV.

  • A lot of people decide where to go on vacation based on what they see on the TV.

  • The TV influences many people's decisions on where their next getaway may be.

When trying to explain that you think that the TV influences many people's choices in where they go on holiday, you can say something like "A lot of people decide where to go on vacation based on what they see on the TV.' or "Many people base their holiday destinations on things they see on the TV.". Both sentences are polite statements.
どこに旅行に行くかはテレビを見て決める人が多いと説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "A lot of people decide where to go on vacation based on what they see on the TV." (どこに旅行に行くかはテレビを見て決める人が多い) "Many people base their holiday destinations on things they see on the TV." (どこに旅行に行くかはテレビを見て決める人が多い) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Many people choose their vacation based on what they see on TV

  • Many people choose their holiday from what they see on the television

When talking about the television as well as using the word television you can also say 'TV' as this is an abbreviation for television 'many people choose' tells you that alot of people decide something 'what they see on TV/television' tells you where they see it
テレビは 'television' の他、'TV' と言うこともできます。'TV' は 'television' の省略です。 'many people choose' は「多くの人が~を決める」という意味です。 'what they see on TV/television' は、それを何で見るのか伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Lots ofn people choose their holiday destinations based on what they have seen on TV

  • TV holiday programmes strongly influence people's choice of holiday destination

You want to explain that many people choose where to go on vacation based on what they see on TV. The above examples are appropriate for that scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A lot of people choose their next travel destination becuase of what they saw on TV.

  • Tv adverts are a big factor when it comes to where people decide to go for their holiday.

  • People are largely influenced by television when it comes to their next travel destination.

Traveling is great fun, you learn a lot about the world around you and you learn about yourself too! Television is a great platform for advertising, many people see beautiful locations on TV and are inspired to travel there. To explain this, use the sentences above. "We saw this place on TV and decided we would go there on our next holiday!"
旅行は、周りの世界のことをたくさん学ぶことができるし、新しい自分を発見することもできる楽しいものです。 テレビは宣伝にはぴったりのツールで、多くの人がテレビで美しい景色をみるなどしてその場所に興味を持ちます。このことを伝えるには、これらの例がぴったりです。  "We saw this place on TV and decided we would go there on our next holiday!" (テレビでこの場所を見て、次の旅行に行くのに決めたんだ!)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • When choosing where to vacation, people are often influenced by advertising.

In this instance, you can use "vacation" as a verb. "To vacation" means to go on vacation, to travel, or to take a holiday/break. So, you can say "When choosing where to vacation"... To say that someone is influenced by TV, more specifically commercials and advertisements, you can say that "people are influenced by advertising." "Advertising" includes different forms of advertisements, including via television.
この場合 "vacation"を動詞として使っています。  "To vacation" とは、旅行にいくこと、休暇をとることを意味します。ですので、 "When choosing where to vacation"...(どこに旅行に行くか決めるときは~)と言うことができます。 テレビ、特にコマーシャルや広告などに影響される人のことを、 "people are influenced by advertising."(人は宣伝に影響される。)と言うことができます。 "Advertising" は、テレビなどの広告媒体のことを指します。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
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