❶ write with minimal letter spacing.
❷ minimize as much letter spacing as possible. (出来るだけ文字を詰めて書く)。
❸Write my letters closely-(字を詰めて書く)。*1番シンプルで簡単な言い方ですが、これは内容が手書きの場合だけに使います。
①Im trying to write my essay with minimal letter spacing, so I can add more information.
Information- 情報
②I’m trying to minimize as much letter spacing as possible so that I can expand my essay.
③ I’m writing my letters closely so that I can put more words in my essay. (エッセイ文にもっと文字を足せるよう、文字を詰めて書いてる)。*手書きの場合。