世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/06/26 00:25
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  • It is difficult for me to hear the difference between a and the.

  • It is difficult for me to listen for the difference between a and the.

「~することが難しい」はit is to~で 表現できます。 「aとtheの聞き分け」が英語にしにくいですが、 「違いを聞く、聞き取る」と考えて、 hear the difference between a and the listen for the difference between a and the. と表現しました。 「AとBの違い」はbetween A and Bと 表現できます。 よく使う表現なので、 是非この機会に押さえておいて下さい。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • It's hard to tell the difference between "a" sound and "the" sound.

  • I can't tell the difference between "a" sound and "the" sounds.

hard で難しい、容易ではないと表現することができます。 また、”I can't tell" という文の使い方をすることで、自分が理解できていないことを伝えることができます。
  • There are times when I cannot tell the difference between "A" and "The."

  • When English is being spoken I cannot hear the difference between "A" and "The."

Example #1 - There are times when I cannot tell the difference between "A" and "The." "There are times" Occasionally, if someone is speaking quickly, you are on the phone, etc, you cannot tell the difference between the sound of a and the. But normally you can. Example #2 - When English is being spoken I cannot hear the difference between "A" and "The." This sentence means that "When English is being spoken" so every time, you are not able to hear the difference.
例 #1 - There are times when I cannot tell the difference between "A" and "The."〔訳〕「A」と「The」の違いが分からない時がある。 "There are times"(~な時がある) 時々、速く話されると(電話などで)、「A」と「The」の違いが分からないことがある。ただ大抵は分かる、ということです。 例 #2 - When English is being spoken I cannot hear the difference between "A" and "The." 〔訳〕英語のリスニングになると「A」と「The」の違いが聞き取れません。 "When English is being spoken"(英語のリスニングになると) これは、毎回違いが聞き取れないことを表します。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • When listening to English, it's hard for me to tell the difference between A and THE.

  • I cannot differentiate between A and THE in spoken English

When listening to spoken English, it's difficult for you to tell the difference between "a" and "the". You may explain this phenomenum by using one of the above suggestions.
「"a" と "the" の違いを聞き取るのが難しい」は、上記の例の一つを使って表すことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I cannot tell the difference between the "a" and "the" sounds.

  • "A" and "the" sound the same to me.

  • I cannot tell the difference between "a" and "the".

You can explain that the two sounds, "a" and "the" sound the same to you. When a person is speaking, it is difficult to tell the difference between "a" and "the". The expression "tell the difference" means that you cannot hear or see a difference between two things that are very similar.
"A" and "the" sound the same to me'("a" と "the" は同じに聞こえる)と説明できます。 When a person is speaking, it is difficult to tell the difference between "a" and "the". ("a" と "the" の違いを聞き取るのは難しい) "tell the difference" は、よく似た二つのものの「違いが聞き分けられない[見分けられない]」という意味です。
Derrick M DMM英会話講師
  • When listening to spoken English, it's very hard for me to differentiate between "a" and "the."

While it isn't necessary to put "spoken" in front of English since the verb is "listen," it helps to make sure that the sentence is clear. If you "differentiate" something, you can tell the difference between two or more things. I hope that this helps. :)
動詞が "listen" なので、"English" の前の "spoken" はなくてもいいのですが、あった方が意味がより明確になります。 "differentiate" は「〔二つ以上のものの〕違いが分かる」の意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I find it challenging to tell the difference between "a" and "the"

  • It's difficult for me to tell difference between "a" and "the" when someone speaks

When you want to explain that when you are listening to someone speak English, it's difficult for you to tell the difference between "a" and "the"; then you may explain this in the following ways: -I find it challenging to tell the difference between "a" and "the" -It's difficult for me to tell difference between "a" and "the" when someone speaks
「"a" と "the" の聞き分けが難しい」は、次のように言えます。 -I find it challenging to tell the difference between "a" and "the" ("a" と "the" の聞き分けが難しいです) -It's difficult for me to tell difference between "a" and "the" when someone speaks ("a" と "the" の聞き分けが難しいです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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