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海外のすごく大きなショッピングモールに行ったのですが「広すぎてどこに何があるのか分からなかった」と言いたいです よろしくお願いします
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2018/07/01 00:28
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  • The mall was so big that I didn't know where anything was.

  • The mall was too big for me to know where anything was.

1) The mall was so big that I did not know where anything was. 2) The mall was too big for me to know where anything was. などと言う言い方があります。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
Miki K 英語講師
  • The mall was so big! I didn't know where anything was!

  • I got lost in the mall! It's so huge!

Sometimes there are some shopping malls that are very large and we don't know how to get anywhere because there are so many stores! This can happen a lot when we visit a new place or area. Some useful expressions for this type of situation could be: 1) The mall was so big! I didn't know where anything was! 2) I got lost in the mall! It's so huge!
時々とても大きくて店がたくさんあって、どこへどうやって行けば良いのかわからないショッピングモールがあります。 これは新しい場所やエリアを訪れる時によく起こり得ます。 以下はこのような状況で役に立つ表現です: 1) The mall was so big! I didn't know where anything was! (そのショッピングモールはとても大きかったです!何がどこにあるか全くわかりませんでした!) 2) I got lost in the mall! It's so huge! (私はショッピングモールで迷子になりました!とても大きいです!)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • I can't find anything in this place!

It is exasperating to be in a large shop and unable to find what you want. Sometimes the layout is not logical. You can express yourself by applying the example sentence to your outburst.
大きなショッピングモールなどで、欲しいものが見つからないと腹立たしいですね。 時々、お店の配置が理にかなっていない時があります。 上の例文で、あなたの怒りを表現することが出来ます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The shopping mall is so big that I don't know where anything is

  • The mall is so big, it's easy to get lost.

When you want to explain that a shopping mall is so large that you did/do not know where anything was/is; then you can say: -The shopping mall is so big that I don't know where anything is -The mall is so large that I didn't know where to find anything/the shops I wanted. -The mall is so big, it's easy to get lost.
ショッピングモールが広すぎて、どこに何があった/あるのかわからないと言いたいとき、以下のように言えます: -The shopping mall is so big that I don't know where anything is. (ショッピングモールは広すぎて、どこに何があるか分かりません。) -The mall is so large that I didn't know where to find anything/the shops I wanted. (ショッピングモールは広すぎて、何か/私の行きたい店がどこにあるか分かりません。) -The mall is so big, it's easy to get lost. (ショッピングモールは広すぎて、迷子になりやすいです。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The mall was so large, I couldn't navigate through it!

  • The mall was so large, I couldn't find the store I was looking for!

  • It was so large, I couldn't find a thing!

All of these examples explain that the mall was large. The second half explains you couldn't find what you wanted. I added an "!" at the end of all of these examples to show exclamation and that you were surprised by it all.
三例とも、そのモールがとても大きい事を説明しています。 後半部分は、行きたいところが見つからない事を説明しています。 文末に "!"(びっくりマーク)を置いて、それに驚いたことを表しました。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • This mall is so big I don't know where anything is!

  • This mall is so big, I can't find anything.

  • I can't find anything in this mall.

All of these are okay to when you are in or have been to a large shopping mall that was difficult to find your way around. It is often very difficult to find your way around a large shopping mall. I can't find anything - This means that you do not know where anything is. You can use this in any situation when you have lost something or do not know where it is. Example: I can't find my phone!
どれも、大きなモールで、探しているものがなかなか見つけられない時に使える表現です。大きなショッピングモールで目当てのものを見つけるのは、大変なことが多いですね。 I can't find anything (何も見つけられない) - これは、どこに何があるかわからない、という意味になります。何かを無くした時やどこにあるかわからない時に、この表現が使えます。 【例】 I can't find my phone! (携帯が見つからない!)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • It was so big I didn't know where anything was

  • It was so huge I didn't have a clue where anything was

When something is very big then you could use the terms 'so big' although 'huge' also means the same thing if you are insure of where things are then a common term that is used is to 'not have a clue' meaning you have no idea
何かがすごく大きいことは、'so big'と表せます。'huge'(巨大な)も同じ意味です。 何がどこにあるのか分からないなら、'not have a clue'という表現がよく使われます。これは「全く分からない」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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