The normal name for the structure of crosspieces and uprights, used for holding on whilst going up and down stairs or traversing landings, is known as 'banisters'. In an industrial setting, such structure is usually called a 'handrail'.
"Please hold onto the handrail whilst using the stairs."
Please hold onto the handrail whilst using the stairs.
When we are talking about a narrow bar of wood or metal that people hold on to for support, there are a few terms we can use for this item.
We could use words such as "handrail", "rail", and also the word "railing".
These are all very commonly used and we can use them interchangeably.
A handrail is usually used everywhere and people will easily understand you, however, rail is more American way of saying. For example - There are many rails in America but most of them were built more than a century ago
"handrail" は英語圏で広く使われている言い方です、これはすぐに伝わると思います。
一方、"rail" は主にアメリカで使われる言い方です。
There are many rails in America but most of them were built more than a century ago
A rope was stretched along two poles to serve as handrails. Among the other words which you can use are: balustrade, banister, bar, barrier, fence,paling, pole, rail, rails, railings, rest, siding. Rails are horizontal bars put from one post to another inorder to support the person passing from a descending or ascending thing like the stairs, or narrow spaces like busses and trains.The train conductor may say:Please hold on to the railings for safety purposes.
"A rope was stretched along two poles to serve as handrails."(手すりとして二本の柱に沿ってロープがつながれていた)
"balustrade" "banister" "bar" "barrier" "fence" "paling" "pole" "rail" "rails" "railings" "rest" "siding"
"rails" は、階段を上り下りするときやバス・電車など狭い場所でつかまることができるように横に渡した棒をいいます。
Please hold on to the railings for safety purposes.(安全のため、手すりにつかまってください)
A handrail ( hand r ale ) describes a long bar of metal or wood that provides support for people who are walking up and down stairs. We can find these in buses, stairways, trains, etc.
"A handrail"(発音=hand r ale)は、階段を上り下りするときにつかまることのできる、金属または木製の横棒をいいます。バスや階段・電車などで見かけることがあります。
A handrail is usually made of wood or metal that people hold onto usually when going up/down stairs so they don't fall this can also be called a 'banister'
If you are trying to describe a long narrow bar of metal or wood that you hold onto for support, you can call it a "handrail" or a "railing". These are the correct words to describe the above.
"I don't want to hold a handrail on train."
お年寄りや障害者用のお風呂やトイレなどにある手すりは、"grab bar"と言ったりします。
1) handrail
手すりは英語で handrail と言うことができます。
hand は手という意味の英語表現です。
Please hold the handrail.
Please do not let go of the handrail.
A handrail is along the side of many walkways. This is especially true in public places and in private businesses. It's also known as a railing. This is most common place one can find it is on stairs. A person can move their hand along it while walking, to help them to remain steady and not fall! Governments and businesses install them to assure the safety of their citizens and customers. But, there is another reason they might not want people to slip and fall on their property: to avoid lawsuits!
The most common one here is handrail. The long narrow piece of metal or wood used for support.
Example sentences:
Please be careful and hod onto the handrail.
Please use the railing for support.
The steps are slippy so please hold onto the rail.
最も一般的なのは "handrail" です。支えに使われる、細長い金属や木のことです。
Please be careful and hold onto the handrail.
Please use the railing for support.
The steps are slippy so please hold onto the rail.
A "railing" is a bar that is either freestanding or attached to a wall or ceiling. A railing allows people to support their weight and maintain their balance so that they don't fall.
When people get older they may have handrails installed in their house so that they can move around safely.
That long, narrow bar of wood/metal that people hold on to for support is known as a
1. Handrail
2. Bannister
Sometimes it can also be called aBaluster.
They can be seen in public buses or even along pavements in some cities. Their main purpose is to prevent accidents or people falling.
We can also call this a banister.
We use this rail to protect ourselves when walking up or down the stairs.
If you have a lack of balance or just feel you need something to hold onto when you ascend or descend the stairway you can use the handrail.
Ascend: go up
Descend: go down