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2018/07/31 01:10
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  • I know the word but can't remember the definition!

  • I recognize the word but can't get to the meaning!

When learning a new language, we learn many words in a short space of time and sometimes it is difficult to remember the meanings of all of them. "I know the word but can't remember the definition!" "definition" synonym of meaning "I recognize the word but can't get to the meaning!" "can't get to" a different way of saying that I can't remember something
外国語学習では短期間にたくさんの言葉を学ぶので、全ての意味を記憶するのはなかなか難しいです。 "I know the word but can't remember the definition!"(この単語は知っていますけど、意味が思い出せません) ※ "definition" は "meaning"(意味)の同義語です。 "I recognize the word but can't get to the meaning!"(この単語は知っていますけど、意味が思い出せません) ※ "can't get to" は "can't remember"(思い出せない)の別の言い方です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
2018/07/31 16:29
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  • I've seen the word but I can't remember what that means.

I've seen the word but I can't remember what it means.(その単語は見たことあるけど意味を思い出せない) I've heard of the word but I don't remember what that means.(その単語は聞いたことがあるけど意味を思い出せない)
  • I can't remember the word, but I recognize it!

  • The word looks familiar but I can't remember its definition

"I can't remember the word, but I recognize it!" To "recognize" something is the meaning that you have seen it before, that it looks familiar. The "definition" is the term used to describe the particular things meaning, in this case the word you have seen before but cannot remember what it means.
"I can't remember the word, but I recognize it!"(意味は思い出せませんが、見たことはあります) "recognize" は「見たことがある/見覚えがある」の意味です。 "definition" は「意味」という意味です。ここでは、「その単語を見たことはあるけど意味は思い出せない」と伝えています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The definition escapes me

If you can't remember what a word means you can always say that it has "escaped you" meaning you forgot. "The definition escapes me" or "Her name escapes me" are good ways to say that you don't remember what the word means or her name is.
言葉が思い出せないときは、"escaped you"(忘れた)というフレーズを使うといいでしょう。 "The definition escapes me"(意味を忘れた) や "Her name escapes me" (彼女の名前を忘れた)という表現は、言葉や名前を忘れたときに使えるフレーズです。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • I can't remember the meaning of this word.

"I can't remember the meaning of this word" - Saying this would explain to the person or teacher that you know the word but you cant remember what it means.
"I can't remember the meaning of this word"(この単語の意味が思い出せない) これは、その単語を「知っているけど意味が思い出せない」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I know I've seen this word before, but the meaning eludes me.

  • The word seems familiar, but I just can't place it.

In American English, we often use the verb 'elude' to say that a certain thing 'becomes difficult to pinpoint or catch or remember', e.g.: 'True love eluded him because he never stepped into the light.' We sometimes speak of not being able to 'place' things we can't remember them, e.g.: 'I know I'd seen the girl before, but I couldn't place her.' 'Place', in this case, means something like 'to put in a familiar context that is meaningful to us.' I hope this is helpful to you in your studies.
アメリカ英語では、'elude' は「かわす」「逃れる」「思い出せない」などと言うときによく使われます。 例えば: 'True love eluded him because he never stepped into the light.'(彼は決して心を許さなかったため、真実の愛を手にすることはなかった) 'place' を使って、何かが思い出せないことを表すこともあります。 例えば: 'I know I'd seen the girl before, but I couldn't place her.'(あの子を見たことはあるんだけど、どこでだったか思い出せなかった) 'place'はこの場合「記憶と結び付ける」といった意味です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • This word looks familiar, but it's not coming to me right now.

  • It's on the tip of my tongue.

This word looks familiar, but it's not coming to me right now. This phrase is saying that something looks familiar however one cannot remember what it is. 'It's on the tip of my tongue' This is called an idiom. An idiom is a pictoral use of language it creates an image but it is not supposed to be taken 'literally.' Saying that it is on the tip of my tongue means that it is ready to come out of your mouth.
This word looks familiar, but it's not coming to me right now.(この単語は見覚えがありますが、今思い出せません) このフレーズは「見覚えはあるけど思い出せない」と伝えています。 'It's on the tip of my tongue'(喉まで出かかってるんだけど) これは 'idiom' です。'idiom' とは、映像的な表現をいいます、状況をイメージしやすい表現のことです。ただ、文字通りの意味ではありません。'It's on the tip of my tongue' は「喉まで出かかっている」という意味です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • I've seen this word before but can't remember what it means

  • I recognise the word but I'm not sure on the meaning

When learning a language it is hard to remeber every word you come across and the meaning although you might recognise the word you might not remember what it means so would need to ask to make sure
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • This word is familiar but I just can't recall what it means

  • I've seen this word before but I can't remember what it means

  • I lknow the word but forget the meaning

When I've seen a word but can't remember what it means, I would like to be able to explain that. Above are some suggestions for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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