世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/09 19:30
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  • Where can I park my bike?

  • Is there any place to park a bike nearby?

Where can I park my bike? 自転車どこにとめられますか? Is there any place to park a bike nearby? 近くに自転車をとめられる場所はありますか? 上記のように言えばすぐに教えてくれるはずです!「近くに」を強調したい場合は「nearby」をつけるといいでしょう。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Is there somewhere to park my bike nearby?

  • Can I park my bike somewhere nearby?

前者は「is there」を使うので、間接的で丁寧な響きがあります。 後者の「can I」の方は直接で、丁寧感がありません。 Can I get a coffee?(普通) Is there any coffee? (丁寧) 「nearby」= 近くにあるという意味の形容詞です。この形容詞の特徴は、名詞の後に来るのです。 A cafe nearby=近くにあるカフェ A station nearby = 近くにある駅 「park」=駐車、駐輪 英語では自転車でも自由に「park」を使います。 直訳の「stop」の場合、自転車を降りず止めるイメージが強いです。
  • Where can I park my bike?

  • Can I leave my bike anywhere?

You may ask someone where you may park your bike...sometimes there are discrete ranks for bikes in the city..but more often than not, you have to find somewhere which may not be a designated bike parking area. Asking: "Where can I park my bike?" is asking for information. You may also ask if you can leave your bike anywhere - for example you could lock it to a lamppost.
駐輪場を聞くとき、時々町中で停めている人もいるけど、普通は停めてはいけない場所かどうかは判断しなくちゃね。こう聞くことができます。 "Where can I park my bike?" フォーマルな聞き方。どこにバイク停められますか? また、2のように例えば街灯だったり、どこにでも停めていいものも良いかきくこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any parking bays reserved for bikes nearby?

  • Is there a parking bay or some place where I can park my bike nearby?

In some cases, there may be parking bays reserved for parking bikes. You have not seen one yet and so you are asking someone if there are any such parking bays nearby so you can park your bike there. Your question is in plural form suggesting that there could be more than one parking bay reserved for bikes. In the second line, you are not asking for a parking bay that is specifically reserved for bikes, but for any parking bay that you can use to park your bike. It may not even be a parking bay, maybe a pavement.
場合によっては、自転車用の停める場所があるかもしれません。まだ駐輪場が見つかっていないので、だれかにそのような駐輪場が近くにあり、自転車をそこに停められるかどうかを尋ねます。あなたの質問では parking baysと複数形なので、もしかしたら自転車用の駐輪場が2つ以上あるかもしれないと思っていることを表しています。 2つ目の文では、自転車用の停める場所を尋ねているわけではなく、自転車が停められる場所ならどこでもいいから近くにないかと尋ねています。もしかしたら駐輪場ですらなく、ただの歩道かもしれませんね。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Is there a bike-park or bike shed nearby?

  • Is there somewhere safe I can chain up my bike?

If you want a place that is specifically for putting bikes you can ask if there is a bike-park which is an outside facility for parking bikes. You can also ask for a bike shed which is a small building for storing bikes. If you just want a safe place to keep your bike you can ask "Is there somewhere safe I can chain up my bike?". Chain up refers to the bike chain used to secure a bike to somewhere.
自転車用の駐車場所を探すなら「bike-park」が使えます。これは、自転車を止めるための野外の施設のことです。 また「bike shed」と言ってもいいですね。自転車を置いておく小さな建物を言います。 自転車を止めておく安全な場所があるか聞きたいなら: Is there somewhere safe I can chain up my bike? (自転車をつなげられるどこか安全な場所はありますか?) 「chain up」は、自転車をどこかにつなぐ時に使う鎖(chain)からきています。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any bicycle parking facilities nearby?

  • Is there a place for me to park my bicycle nearby?

In order to ask where you may park your bike you may simply ask the following; Are there any bicycle parking facilities nearby? facility-A place piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose. Is there a place for me to park my bicycle nearby? Could you direct me to the bicycle parking area? May I park my bicycle here?
どこに自転車を止めていいか聞くときのフレーズです。  Are there any bicycle parking facilities nearby? 近くに自転車を止める場所はありますか?  facility-ある特定の目的のために設備の整った施設  Is there a place for me to park my bicycle nearby? 近くに自転車を止める場所はありますか? Could you direct me to the bicycle parking area? 駐輪場を教えてくれませんか? May I park my bicycle here? ここに自転車を止めてもいいですか?
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a place I can park my bike nearby?

  • Is there a place close by where I can leave my bike?

Where is the nearest bicycle parking stand located? Where can I leave my bike? Is there a parking bay located nearby where I may leave my bicycle?
Where is the nearest bicycle parking stand located? =一番近い駐輪場はどこですか? Where can I leave my bike? =自転車をどこに止めたらいいですか? Is there a parking bay located nearby where I may leave my bicycle? =近くに自転車を止めてよさそうな場所がありますか?
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Where can I park my bike around here?

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Where can I park my bike around here? 「この辺りは、どこで自転車を駐車できますか?」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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