世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


長い単語や和製英語のアクセント(ストレス?)の個所を聞きたいときがよくあります。 (既に解答されていましたらご連絡ください)
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2016/03/07 20:51
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  • Where is the stress in the word, 〜?

  • How do you pronounce the word,〜?

Where is the stress in the word, 〜? 〜という言葉のアクセントとはどこにありますか? Where is 〜?で尋ねる、無難な聞き方ですね。 How do you pronounce the word, 〜? どのように〜を発音しますか? どのように〜?と尋ねて、実際に言ってもらうことでアクセントを知る、という方法もありますので、使ってみてください。
  • Where should I put the stress on this word?

この単語のアクセントはどこにきますか? put the stress on ... : ...にアクセントがくる こう先生に尋ねるのも良いと思いますよ How do I know where to put the stress on a word? どこにアクセントがくるのか知る方法はありますか?
  • Where is the stress with this word please?

  • On which syllable is the stress please?

  • Where do I place the stress with this word please?

Any of these questions is appropriate
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How do you pronounce this word?

  • Could you tell me how to pronounce this word?

How do you pronounce this word? この単語、どう発音したら良いですか? Could you tell me how to pronounce this word? この単語の発音の仕方を教えてくれませんか? 上記のように質問すればストレスの部分とそうでない部分の両方を確認できて良いと思います!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Where does the stress fall on the word?

  • Where does the accent fall?

Stress (noun) - emphasis given to a particular syllable or word in speech Example: A: Where does the stress fall on that word? B: It falls on the first syllable. __________________________________________________ Accent (noun) - distinct emphasis given to a syllable or word in speech by stress or pitch Example: The accent falls on the middle syllable.
Stress (noun) - emphasis given to a particular syllable or word in speech Stress(名詞)=強勢、アクセント。 Example: A: Where does the stress fall on that word? B: It falls on the first syllable. ≪例文≫ A. あの単語のアクセントはどこに置きますか?(どの部分を強調しますか?) B. 最初のシラブル(音節)です。 __________________________________________________ Accent (noun) - distinct emphasis given to a syllable or word in speech by stress or pitch Accent(名詞)=アクセント Example: The accent falls on the middle syllable. ≪例文≫ 真ん中のシラブル(音節)にアクセントを置きます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How do I pronounce this word?

The teacher will pronounce the word to you and you should listen carefully so that you are able to pronounce it carefully.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What part of the word should be stressed more?

  • What sound in the word should be said stronger?

  • What syllable should be stressed the most?

"What part of the word should be stressed more?" asks what sound/syllable(s) in a word needs to be focused on more when pronouncing it.
"What part of the word should be stressed more?" 〔訳〕その単語のどの部分に強勢を置かないといけませんか? ↑発音する時に、単語のどの音(音節)をより強調して言う必要があるのかを尋ねています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Where do I put the emphasis?

Emphasis' is the act of putting stress on certain letters or sounds.
Emphasis' は、ある文字または音に強勢を置くことです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Where is the stress on the word?

  • How would you pronounce the word?

We can ask about where, "the stress," is to know where there is a more focused syllable or sound. We can also ask the question, "how would you pronounce the word," to ask directly to the teacher how they would naturally say it.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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