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歩いて5分はthe station is 5 minutes’ walk from here. などと表現できると思いますが走って5分はどう表現しますか?
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2018/09/29 22:58
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  • The train station is about a 5-minute walk from here.

  • The train station is about 5 minutes walk from from here.

  • It takes about 5 minutes to get to the station if you run from here

「駅はここから歩いて5分くらいです」は英語ではこのようです。 The train station is about a 5-minute walk from here. The train station is about 5 minutes walk from from here. It takes around 5 minutes to walk to the station from here. 「駅」は英語では train station になりますが、station だけと言ったら伝われます。 「〜ぐらい」は英語では around~/about~ になります。 「駅はここから走って5分くらいです」は英語では It takes about 5 minutes to get to the station if you run from here になります。 例文 A: How far is your house from the station? A: 駅からお家まではどのぐらいかかりますか? B: It is about 10 minutes by foot. It can take 6 minutes if you run, and maybe 4 minutes by bicycle. B: 歩いたら10分かかりますよ。走ったら6分かかります。自転車で4分かかるのかな。 by foot も表現します。歩く距離を説明している時に言います。 例えば A: How far is the supermarket from here? A: ここからスーパーまではどのぐらいかかりますか? B: It is about 2 minutes by foot. B: 歩いたら2分かかりますよ。 ご参考までに。
  • If you run, you can get to the station in five minutes!

  • It will take you five minutes to get to the train station, if you run.

  • If you hurry, you can run to the station in five minutes.

The need for running indicates that the person is in a rush, maybe because they think they might be too late to catch the train. To 'hurry' is another verb used to mean that you are rushing to somewhere quickly. It can also be given as a command: "Hurry up, we are going to miss the train!" If the person is not in a rush, you can use the 'walk' or "by foot" instead of 'run': "The train station is five minutes from here by foot." "The train station is five minutes' walking distance from here."
走らないといけないということは、例えば「電車に遅れそう」などの理由でその人が急いでいることを表します。 'hurry' は「急ぐ」という意味の動詞です。これは命令にも使われます。 "Hurry up, we are going to miss the train!"(急いで、電車に遅れる) もし相手が急いでいないなら、'run' の代わりに 'walk' または 'by foot' が使えます。 "The train station is five minutes from here by foot." "The train station is five minutes' walking distance from here." (駅はここから歩いて5分です)
Sanndy S DMM英会話講師
  • Running, the station is 5 minutes away

  • It'll be 5 minutes to the station if you run

The train station is 5 minutes away from here if you run. You can explain this by using or adapting one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The station is a 5 minutes away by foot.

  • If you are going by foot, the station is 5 minutes away.

  • The station is not that far, about 5 minutes away by foot.

The station is a 5 minutes away by foot. If you are going by foot, the station is 5 minutes away. The station is not that far, about 5 minutes away by foot. We usually say "by foot" to mean either walking or running. "By car" is for when driving. "As the crow flies" means by fastest route if you could fly over obstacles.
The station is a 5 minutes away by foot.(駅はここから歩いて5分です) If you are going by foot, the station is 5 minutes away.(駅はここから歩いて5分です) The station is not that far, about 5 minutes away by foot.(駅はそんなに遠くないですよ、ここから歩いて5分くらいです) 歩く場合でも走る場合でも英語では普通 "by foot" といいます。車で行く場合は "by car" です。 "as the crow flies" は「〈空を飛べたとして〉最短距離で」という意味です。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • The train station is about 5 minutes from here if you run

  • If you run it will take you about 5 minutes to get to the train station

When explaining how far somewhere is from where you are you would say 'from here' the amount of time you do something in is expressed as to 'take you' so it 'takes you five minutes'
今いる所からどのくらいの距離なのか説明するときには、'from here'(ここから)が使えます。 何かをするのにかかる時間は、'take' で表せます。 例えば、'it takes you five minutes'(5分かかる)。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • If you run, you will reach the train station in 5 minutes.

  • The train station is 5 minutes away from here if you run.

  • You will reach the train station in 5 minutes if you run.

1. "If you run, you will reach the train station in 5 minutes". The verb 'run' shows that the train station is more than 5 minutes away when walking. However, you will reach the train station in 5 minutes if you run. 2. "The train station is 5 minutes away from here if you run" This means almost the same thing as the first example sentence. However, if you are trying to explain to someone that they need to be quick in order to reach the train station, it is best to use the first example sentence. This is because the emphasis is on running to the train as the sentence starts with the prerequisite for arriving in 5 minutes. There is less emphasis on the distance if you mention that you need to run at the end of the sentence. 3. "You will reach the train station in 5 minutes if you run" This sentence has exactly the same meaning as the second example.
1. "If you run, you will reach the train station in 5 minutes"(走れば、5分で駅に着きます) 動詞の 'run'(走る)は、歩いた場合には5分以上の時間がかかることを表します。ただ、「走れば5分で駅に着く」ということ。 2. "The train station is 5 minutes away from here if you run"(駅はここから走ると5分のところにあります) これは一つ目の文とほぼ同じ意味ですが、駅に急いで行かなければならないことを伝えようとするときには、一つ目の文を使った方がいいです。理由は、一つ目の文は5分で到着するための条件から始めていて、走ることに力点があります。走らないといけないことに文末で言及すると、距離がそれほど強調されません。 3. "You will reach the train station in 5 minutes if you run"(走れば、5分で駅に着きます) この文は二つ目の文と全く同じ意味です。
Liam F DMM英会話講師
  • Running on foot, the station is about 5 minutes away.

  • The station is about 5 minutes on foot if you are running.

  • The station is a 5 minute walk away.

We use the phrase 'on foot' to explain that we won't be using a vehicle but walking. Traveling duration is different depending on what mode of transport one uses, traveling on foot always takes longer than any other mode of travel. The station is not far from here, if you travel on foot it should take you about 5 minutes to arrive.
on foot' は、乗り物を使わず歩いて行くことを説明するときに使われます。 移動にかかる時間は移動手段によって異なります。歩きだと他の移動手段よりも長い時間がかかります。 The station is not far from here, if you travel on foot it should take you about 5 minutes to arrive. (駅はここからそんなに遠くありませんよ。歩きだと、だいたい5分くらいで着きます)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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