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2018/11/03 11:35
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  • My grandmother's house had a lot of pets.

  • My grandmother kept a lot of pets.

  • My grandmother raised a lot of pets.

「おばあちゃん」は「grandmother」あるいは「grandma」でいいです。「ちゃん」付けは「grandma」の方に近いです。 「飼う」は「raise」あるいは「keep」ですが、「had」の方が普通です。特に「家」の「house」を使えば。
  • My Nan has so many pets

  • At my Grandmas house she looks after lots of pets

Many native speakers from England use the title "Nan" when speaking about their Grandma. This is because many people feel that "Grandma" is a title for old women only and they do not want to be thought of as old because they may only be between the ages of 40 - 50 for example. If you think that the number of pets your Nan has is a lot more than what is usually normal you can say "so many," emphasising the "so." The term "looks after" is another common way to "cares for"or "takes care of"but can also be used when only doing so for a short time for perhaps a friend or family member.
イングランドのネイティブスピーカーは自分の祖母について話すとき、よく "Nan" という言葉を使います。これは "Grandma" にお年寄りの女性のイメージがあるからです。まだ40代や50代で孫ができる人もいますから、お年寄りとは思われたくないですね。 おばあちゃんが家で一般的に飼われるペットの数よりもはるかに多くのペットを飼っているなら、("so" を強調して)"so many" と言えます。 "looks after" は "cares for"(世話をする)または "takes care of"(同)の意味の一般的な表現ですが、例えば友達や家族に代わって短時間面倒を見る場合にも使われます。
Nate B DMM英会話講師
  • My grandmother loves animals, she has many pets!

  • My grandma has lots of pets, her house is like a zoo.

If someone has a lot of pets, it's can be useful to explain that they have a love or passions for caring for animals to explain why they have pets. Using similes can be useful when explaining if someone likes pets. By using the simile of a zoo it indicates that a lot of animals live somewhere.
動物をたくさん飼っている人のことを動物好き、動物思いの人と表現するといいでしょう。  動物好きなら、たくさん動物を飼っていて動物園のようだのように直喩表現を使うと便利でしょう。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • My grandma keeps a lot of pets.

  • My grandma keeps a lot of pets in her house.

KOTAROさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - My grandma keeps a lot of pets. - My grandma keeps a lot of pets in her house. --- grandma = grandmotherの少し話し言葉っぽい略 --- to keep = 飼う お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • My grandma has lots of pets!

  • There are many pets living with my grandma!

There is a name for people who have lots of pets, they are called "Cynophilists" A lot of elderly people do not want to be alone, so, they surround themselves with animals. It keeps them busy and they don't feel lonely.
ペットをたくさん飼っている人のことは "Cynophilist" といいます。 ペットをたくさん飼うことで、一人暮らしのさみしさを紛らしている高齢者は多いですね。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My Grandma Owns many pets

  • My Grandma keeps a lot of pets

"My Grandma Owns many pets" this sentence refers to owning or possessing pets. to own is to keep/have/raise. "My Grandma" can also be referred to as Grandmother,Gran,Granny,Nan,Nanny etc..
"My Grandma Owns many pets"(祖母はペットをたくさん飼っています) = ここでは、ペットを「'own' している」と言っています。"own" は「飼っている/育てている」の意味です。 "My Grandma"(祖母)のことは、 "Grandmother", "Gran", "Granny", "Nan", "Nanny" などと言うこともできます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • There are many pets at my grandmother's house.

  • My grandma has a lot of pets.

  • My grandma has many pets at her house.

to say that your grandmother has many pets, one can simply say "my grandma has lots of pets." or "there are many pets at my grandmother's house." we use the words "many" and or "a lot" to express that there are more than just one, meaning many.
「祖母はたくさんのペットを飼っている」はシンプルに "my grandma has lots of pets." または "there are many pets at my grandmother's house."と言えます。 何かがたくさんあることは、"many" や "a lot" で表せます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • My grandma is a pet lover.

  • My grandma lives with all her pets.

My grandma is a pet lover. - This sentence expresses the love your grandma has for pets. Someone who is a pet lover is someone who loves having pets. My grandma lives with all her pets. - In this sentence, the word "all" expresses the idea that your grandma has many pets.
My grandma is a pet lover.(おばあちゃんはペット好きです) この文では、「おばあちゃん」のペット愛を表しています。"pet lover" はペットを飼うのが好きな人をいいます。 My grandma lives with all her pets.(おばあちゃんはペットをたくさん飼っている) この文では、"all" は「おばあちゃん」がペットをたくさん飼っていることを表します。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • My grandmother has loads of pets

  • My grandmother has a real menagerie in her home!

Your grandmother has a lot of pets in her house. You would like to explain this situation. Above are a couple of suggested statements which you may find appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My gradma owns many pets, they stay with her at her house.

  • If you go to my granny's house you'll see her many pets.

  • My gran loves animals, she has many pets at her home.

If you would like to explain that your gran has many pets at home, you can use the sentences above. Some people have many different pets at home, they have a lot of patience and love for animals. "My gran's house is full of pets, she owns all of them!" Own: to be the keeper of something
「おばあちゃんは家でペットをたくさん飼っている」と説明したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 家でさまざまなペットを飼っている人は時々いますね。動物に対しての愛情と辛抱強さがないとできないことだと思います。 "My gran's house is full of pets, she owns all of them!" (おばあちゃんの家はペットでいっぱいです。おばあちゃんはペットをたくさん飼っています) Own: ~を飼っている
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • My grandmother has a lot of pets.

  • My granny keeps a lot of animals as pets.

  • My grandma has a lot of pets at home.

Grandmothers are old and lonely and often rely on household pets to keep them company. They take care of these animals and raise them as if they were her children. She feeds them and looks after them.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • My grandma has a lot of pets.

  • There are many pets at my grandma's house.

  • My grandma's house is like a zoo!

My grandma's house is like a zoo!' This is an informal way to saying that your grandma has a lot of pets. If we were to visit the zoo, we would see a lot of animals and if we visit your grandma's house, we would also see many animals! Therefore, we can compare it to a zoo!
My grandma's house is like a zoo!'(おばあちゃんの家は動物園みたいです) これは「おばあちゃんはたくさんペットを飼っている」のカジュアルな言い方です。 動物園には動物がたくさんいますね。そして、おばあちゃんの家にも動物がたくさんいます!なので、'zoo'(動物園)に例えることができます!
Matt L DMM英会話講師
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