I have movies or videos playing even if I’m not watching them.
Even if I’m not watching them, I have movies or videos playing.
動画 - video
映画 - movie
流る - running/playing
The movie is playing
流しっぱなしにしています - leave the ~~ playing
動画を流しっぱなしにしています - leave the video playing
見る - watch
見ない - not watching
見なくても - even if I’m not watching
~~なくても - even if I’m not ~~
映画を見なくても - even if I’m not watching the movie
Even if I’m not watching, (I leave) the movie is playing
While at home I always keep movies or videos playing in the background even if I'm not watching
While at home I always keep movies or videos playing in the background even if I'm not watching.
While at home : 家にいる時.
I always keep movies or videos playing in the background :常に動画や映画をBGMの様に流しっぱなしにしてる.
even if I'm not watching : 観てなくても