"Past my bed time"
Is a statement that is used very widely and causally when you want to go to bed and you are offered to do something.
"Way too late"
Is a term used, again, very casually and widely, this refers the time of the day is 'too late' too late to do anything as there aren't many hours left in the day
"Past my bed time"(寝る時間を過ぎて)
"Way too late"(あまりに遅い)
When something happens/arrives too late, then you may use the following phrases:
-It's too late
-That ship has sailed
You can use these phrases in the following ways:
-It's too late to go to the airport now. By the time I get there, my flight would have left.
-I wanted kids but I am too old now. So, that ship has sailed.
-It's too late(時すでに遅し)
-That ship has sailed(時すでに遅し/船は出航してしまった)
-It's too late to go to the airport now. By the time I get there, my flight would have left.
-I wanted kids but I am too old now. So, that ship has sailed.
It's too late because you didn't get here on time.
You can't do it now because you were late.
Sorry but you are late.
It's too late because you didn't get here on time.
You can't do it now because you were late.
Sorry but you missed it by being late.
You waited too long to arrive so now it's too late.
Sorry but you are late.(ごめんなさい、もう終わりました)
It's too late because you didn't get here on time.(来られるのが遅かったので、もう終わりました)
You can't do it now because you were late.(来られるのが遅かったので、もうできません)
Sorry but you missed it by being late.(ごめんなさい、もう終わりました)
You waited too long to arrive so now it's too late.(来られるのが遅かったので、もう終わりました)
Sometimes, life happens and we, as well as others, are late. We miss deadlines, we don’t hear the alarms, or we just simply forget to be somewhere. When these kinds of things happen, tell the person “The time has passed” or that there is no more time left to do what ever they were meant to do at that time.
時間に遅れてしまうことというのは、誰にでもあります。締め切りに間に合わなかったり、目覚ましに気付かなかったり、あるいはシンプルに約束を忘れたり。このようなことがあったときは、相手に“The time has passed”(もう時間は経過した)あるいは、「(それをする)時間はもう残っていない」(例2)と伝えましょう。
When we have missed something and can no longer participate.
There are many different phrases that express the idea of being too late.
It's too little too late.
It's over.
It's done.
You have missed the train.
It's too little too late.(少なすぎるし遅すぎる)
It's over.(もう終わったこと)
It's done.(もう終わったこと)
You have missed the train.(あなたは電車に乗り遅れました)
普通に訳せばtoo lateですが、もうすでにたくさんの方が回答しているので、別の角度から表現してみました。
I should have done earlier.
文脈により、主語はyou, we, they, heなどに変えればよいですね(#^^#)
You have missed the deadline. You were supposed to have submitted the report at midday yesterday.
Your response to my e-mail was rather too late, it came long after the board meeting had ended.
A 'deadline' is a time limit set for something to be done. This is usually the case when it comes to submitting reports that have to be used for decision making, a time limit is set. If that time or date is missed and the report is submitted late, there can be serious consequences for both the producer of the report and also for it's users. The producer of the report may be repremanded and the users may also miss their decision making timelines. The same goes for e-mails that are supposed to provide vital information to be used, say at meetings. If the sender sends the email late, it won't be of any use to the recipient.
So, you may say:
You have missed the deadline. You were supposed to have submitted the report at midday yesterday.
Your response to my e-mail was rather too late, it came long after the board meeting had ended.