You're tightening up your swing so you're getting behind in your swing.
Your arms are too tight which causes you to play catch up.
1) You're tightening up your swing so you're getting behind in your swing.
2) Your arms are too tight which causes you to play catch up.
you're tightening up your swing
your arms are too tight
you're getting behind in your swing や
play catch up を使って言うことができます。
Your swing is slow because you're putting too much strength into your arms
You're focusing too much on your arms, relax them a bit and your swing will be better/faster
最初の文が「腕を力み過ぎているから振り/スウィングが遅いんだよ」で「putting too much strength into」で「力み過ぎ」と表現してます。次の例文は「腕に集中し過ぎだよ、少しリラックスすれば振り/スウィングが良くなるよ/早くなるよ」で「focusing」を使い「集中」と言い表してますになります。