This is a store with bags handmade out of kimono material/cloth.
Bags made from kimono material/Bags made from kimono cloth
「ここは着物から作った手作りのバッグのお店です。」は英語に訳すと This is a store with bags handmade out of kimono material/cloth. と言います。
お店→ a store
着物→ kimono
手作り→ handmade
お店の前を通っている外国人に、ぜひお立ち寄りいただきたいなと思い看板を作りたいなら Bags made from kimono material/Bags made from kimono cloth と買えば良いです。
These goods are not mass produced.
This shop sells good all made by one artist.
handmade/handcrafted = 手作り
recycled kimonos = リサイクルされた着物
①Our bags are handmade from recycled kimonos.
②Each bag is handcrafted from recycled kimonos.