世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/28 11:11
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  • Today's lesson was (very) interesting.

  • I (really) enjoyed the lesson today.

  • The lesson was really fun today.

「今日のレッスン、面白かったです」というのは Today's lesson was interesting. またはThe lesson was interesting today. というふうに言えます。 「楽しい」は形容詞のfunまたは動詞のenjoyを使い、 このような文ができます: The lesson was fun today. I enjoyed the lesson today. また、「とても」で言いたければveryやreallyを使うといいです。
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Today's lesson was fun!

  • It was fun today

  • Today's lesson was very interesting

Hey there Mayuko! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! 毎回レッスンが面白いといいですね。その気持ちを英語でなんというのでしょうか? 「面白い」は英語でいろんな言い方があります。 直訳の「interesting」はマインドにとって刺激的ということです。でも面白くて嬉しくなったり、笑顔になったりするとしたら、「fun」の方が自然です。 今日のレッスン=Today's Lesson 他の言い方もあります。 The lesson todayも言います。でも文脈でわかるから It だけでもいいです。 ですから Today's lesson was fun! It was fun today! The lesson today was fun! Today's lesson was interesting! It was interesting today! The lesson today was interesting と言えます。 お役に立てると嬉しいです! 応援しています! アーサーより
  • I really enjoyed today's lesson.

  • Today's lesson was really interesting!

  • It was big fun today!

いろいろな言い方が可能だと思います。 I really enjoyed today's lesson. Today's lesson was really interesting! It was big fun today! 「興味が持てた」ということであればinterestingが使えます。また(多少評価チックなニュアンスがでるかもしれませんが状況によっては)interestingをgreatに置き換えることもできるかと思います。
Takeo Suzuki ((株)アジアユーロ言語研究所代表取締役、Ph.D(言語学)、日経オンライン講師
  • I really enjoyed that lesson!

  • Thanks, this lesson was so amusing!

From 'fun' we get enjoyment and when we are enjoying ourselves we are amused and such amusement is in itself, amusing. So we may use any of these kinds of words to express our satisfaction with a lesson that was fun. "Well Claire, it's time for us to finish now." "OK, I really enjoyed it!" "That's great! me too. Well, see you next time!"
'fun'から僕らは楽しさをもらって、楽しんでいるとき、それはamuseを使って表すことができます。 つまり、fun, enjoying, enjoyment, amuse, amusementどれを使ってもレッスンが楽しかったことを表せるでしょう。 "Well Claire, it's time for us to finish now." クレア、今日はここまでにしましょう。 "OK, I really enjoyed it!" はーい。すごく楽しかったです。 "That's great! me too. Well, see you next time!" よかった。私もよ。また今度ね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today's lesson was fun.

  • I enjoyed today's lesson.

すでに他のアンカーの方も挙げてらっしゃいますが、このあたりの表現が覚えやすくて無難かなと思います。 「○○が楽しかった」は、 ○○ was fun. または I enjoyed ○○. のどちらか一つ覚えやすい方を覚えておいてください<m(__)m>
  • I enjoyed the lesson today.

  • Today's lesson was fun.

楽しかった、と言いたい場合 I enjoyed ~. ~ was interesting (fun). など表現もたくさんあります。 funは面白いというニュアンスがより強いですね。 今日のレッスン=today's lesson I enjoyed the lesson today.でも十分です。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • Thank you for today's lesson! It was a lot of fun!

  • I had a lot of fun during today's lesson!

  • I really had fun during lesson today!

Thank you for today's lesson! It was a lot of fun! This is a great casual expression for telling your online English teacher that you had a lot of fun during the lesson. I had a lot of fun during today's lesson! This is a slightly less formal way of telling your teacher that you had fun during the lesson. I really had fun during lesson today! This is a slightly more formal way to tell your teacher that you had fun during the lesson.
Thank you for today's lesson! It was a lot of fun! これはカジュアル表現ですで、オンラインの先生にレッスン中すごく楽しかったと伝える表現です。 I had a lot of fun during today's lesson! ちょっとフォーマルさがかけますが、レッスンが楽しかったと先生に伝える表現です。 I really had fun during lesson today! これはちょっとフォーマルに、レッスンが楽しかったと伝える表現です。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Today's lesson was fun.

  • I enjoyed today's lesson.

  • I had fun in today's lesson.

Other adjectives Interesting Pleasurable Amusing _________________________________________________ Example A: That concludes our lesson B: Today's lesson was fun.
Other adjectives Interesting Pleasurable Amusing 他の形容詞: Interesting(面白い) Pleasurable(愉快な) Amusing(楽しい) _________________________________________________ Example A: That concludes our lesson B: Today's lesson was fun. ≪例文≫ A. 今日のレッスンはこれで終わりです。 B. 今日のレッスンは楽しかったです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoyed today's lesson.

  • Today's lesson was fun.

  • Today's lesson was great.

面白い=interesting. In this context, you can also use the word 'fun.'
面白い= interesting です。 文脈では、 fun という単語を使うことも出来ます。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Thank you very much, I really enjoyed your lesson.

  • This lesson was very fun!

  • Today's lesson was really good!

You can use these sentences to express to your teacher that you had a good time taking his or her lesson. You can use the verb 'to enjoy' like in the first sentence, or even say 'I had fun in your lesson'. Or, you can use adjectives to describe the lesson like in the second and third example. many adjective can be used here. This lesson was wonderful! Today's lesson was amazing!
講師にレッスンが楽しかったことを伝えるための表現です。 1つ目の例文のように「to enjoy」方や「I had fun in your lesson」という動詞を使った言い方もできます。 2つ目や3つ目の例文のように形容詞を使った表現もできます。 他にも以下のような表現もできます。 This lesson was wonderful! Today's lesson was amazing!
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Today's lesson was fun!

  • I really enjoyed that lesson! Thank you very much!

It's very simple to say. Just use any of these sentences and the person will definitely understand what do you want to say. I recommend the second one because it's a more polite version. But they practically mean the same.
これはとてもシンプルに言えます。上のどちらの文を使ってもあなたの気持ちを伝えることができます。 個人的には二つ目の文がおすすめです、一つ目の文よりも丁寧です。ただ、どちらも意味はほとんど変わりません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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