I want to try looking at the Japanese page as I speak in English.
I want to try looking at the Japanese while I speak in English.
I want to try looking at the Japanese page as I speak in English.
I want to try looking at the Japanese while I speak in English.
台本→ script
ロールプレイ→ roleplay
日本語訳のページを見る→ to look at the page with the Japanese translation
〜を試したいです。→ I want to try 〜
〜を〇〇して見たいです。→ I want to try 〜
I want to try this English role play. Is it okay if I reference the page with the Japanese as I do it?
Can we try doing it this way?
I want to speak English while reading the Japanese script.
I want to read from the Japanese script while speaking in English.
台本 = script
①I want to speak English while reading the Japanese script.
②I want to read from the Japanese script while speaking in English.
→ 英語で話しながら日本語の台本を読みたいです。