国公立大学 は a public university.
薬学部 は the pharmaceutical college または pharmaceutical department / college of pharmacy (どれもいいです)
国公立大学の薬学部は the (一つしかないから) pharmaceutical college at a public university.
Tuitiion(学費) at a public university is cheap so after I learn there, I would like to pass the state examination (国家試験に合格して) and get certified to be a pharmacist (薬剤師の資格を取りたい).
Faculty of Pharmacy at the National Public University
日本語の「国公立大学の薬学部」が英語で「Faculty of Pharmacy, National Public University」という意味です。
例文 (Example sentences):
Where do you study?
I study in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the National Public University