世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/14 13:28
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  • Would you print out my air ticket, please?

  • Could you please print out my e-ticket?

print out~ ~を印刷する Would/Could you please~ ~をお願いできますか? これらの表現の前に、 May I ask you a favor? 「お願いしたいことがあるのですが。」 と付けると、より丁寧にお願いする表現になります。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Could you print out my ticket for me, please?

  • Would you mind printing my boarding pass?

  • Is it possible to print my boarding pass?

  • Would you print out the boarding pass, please?

When making a polite request its best to use phrases such as "Would you mind...?", "Would you...please?" or "Is it possible to....?" You can always add "please" to the beginning or end of the request.
人に何かをお願いするときは、 ●”Would you mind...?" ●”Would you...please?" ●”Is it possible to...?" このようなフレーズを使うのがベストでしょう。”Please"は文章の初め、または終わりに付けることが出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Could you print my boarding pass for me please

  • Would you mind printing my boarding pass please

  • Could you please print my boarding pass for me

These are all nice polite ways to ask for the boarding pass to be printed by adding could you/would you mind it is a more polite way of asking them as well as adding the word please If someone is asked to do something nicely they will be more happy to do it for you
三例とも、航空券を印刷してほしい事を言い表す丁寧な表現です。 "please" と同様に、"could you/would you mind"(~していただけますか?)を加えると、より丁寧にお願いできます。 丁寧にお願いされた方が、気持ちがいいですよね。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please print out my boarding pass?

For polite requests, one possible way of asking is using the form: "Would/could you please ........?" "Would you please look after my dog for a moment while I buy some cigarettes?"
丁寧なお願いには、以下の形式が使えます: "Would/could you please ........?" 例: Would you please look after my dog for a moment while I buy some cigarettes? (タバコを買いにいく間、犬を見ておいて頂けますか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please help me print my boarding pass?

Use the word "please" when asking a question to be more polite.
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind printing out my boarding pass?

  • I need to print out my flight tickets, please.

A very polite way to phrase this request is to say, ‘would you mind printing out my boarding pass?’ The words ‘would you mind...’ means ‘will you....’ except that it is slightly more polite. If the speaker wanted to be more assertive, they could say, ‘I need to print out my flight tickets’ - they could also ask the hotel staff if they have the faciliities for printing tickets, e.g. ‘do you have facilities for me to print out my flight tickets’. Or they could simply say, ‘please could you print out my boarding pass?’
この希望を伝えるとても丁寧な言い方としては、例えば: Would you mind printing out my boarding pass? (搭乗券を印刷していただけますか) 「would you mind...」は「will you....」という意味ですが、「will you....」よりも少し丁寧です。 もっと強く言いたいなら、例えば: I need to print out my flight tickets (飛行機のチケットを印刷しないといけません) またホテルのスタッフに、チケットを印刷する機械があるか尋ねることもできます。 例えば: Do you have facilities for me to print out my flight tickets? (飛行機のチケットを印刷してもらえますか?) または、シンプルに以下のようにも言えます: Please could you print out my boarding pass? (搭乗券を印刷してもらえますか?)
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to have my tickets to be printed.

  • I'd like to have a hardcopy of my tickets.

  • Is it possible to have my boarding pass printed?

Printは「印刷する」ということで、受身形のbeを使うといいと思います。 簡単に言うと「私のチケットを印刷してもらいたい」 I want my tickets to be printed.でも通じます。 丁寧にお願いの言い方のI would like~や、Is it possible to~を使ったほうが頼まれ側に不快を感じないでしょう。 チケットをそのままticketを使ってもいいし、飛行機の搭乗券に特定したい場合はboarding passを使った方が伝わりやすいでしょう。
Terry 外国語講師 (DMM英会話翻訳パートナー)
  • Would you be so kind and print my boarding pass?

  • I need a favour. Could you print my boarding pass, please?

  • Would you mind printing my boarding pass, please?

By adding "please" in the end of a sentence, you make sure that your question or request is polite. Another way to make your question polite is to start it with either "could you" or "would you", rather than "can you".
文末に "please" を加えて、丁寧に尋ねて(お願いして)います。 もう一つ。質問は "can you" で始めるよりも "could you" または "would you" で始めた方が丁寧です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Could you print out my boarding pass

  • Could I ask you to print my boarding pass?

Well done for putting "could" because this way you will sound more politely. I would recommend to use the first one. For example - I am going to the airport right now. Could you print out my boarding pass, please?
あなたの考えた例では "could" を使っていますね、これはすごくいいことです。"could" を使うと、より丁寧な言い方になります。個人的には一つ目の例がおすすめです。 例: I am going to the airport right now. Could you print out my boarding pass, please? (これから空港に行きます。搭乗券を印刷してもらえますか)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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