世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/03/19 16:00
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  • Real name

本名は「Real name」と英語で言います。 逆に仮名はいろんな単語があります。 例えば「Pseudonym」や「Nom de guerre」。 質問者様の例文を借りると、以下のような英文になります: - Online, people don't need to use their real names and can get by with pen names or handles.
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Birth name!

  • Real name!

When we are born, our parents name us and that is our real/birth name. Celebrities change their names and it is called screen names. For social media and soldiers/military personnel, their names are called handles. My real name is Yuko. My birth name is Shoichi.
私たちは生まると親に名前をもらいます、これは "real/birth name" といいます。 セレブは名前を変えることがありますが、これは "screen name"(芸名)といいます。 SNSのユーザーや兵士/軍人の使う名前は "handle"(ハンドルネーム)と呼ばれます。 My real name is Yuko.(私の本名はYukoです) My birth name is Shoichi.(私の本名はShoichiです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • real name

本名はreal nameと言います。 ネット社会になり本名以外にもペンネームやハンドルネームを持つ人が増えました。と言いたい場合は、 In the Internet society, more and more people have pseudonyms and handle names besides real names. という事が出来ます。
Yui S 英語講師
  • first name

  • last name

In American English we use these terms to refer to a person's family name. For example, a person named 'Bob Dobollina' would have 'Bob' as their first name and 'Dobollina' as their last name. We sometimes refer to the last name as 'surname'. We might also say a person's 'proper' name to distinguish it from a nickname or social media handle. 'Alias' is an assumed name usually appropriated by someone to deceive others about the true identity of its holder. I hope this is useful to you.
アメリカ英語ではこれらのフレーズで人の名前を表します。 例えば 'Bob Dobollina' という名前の人なら、'first name'(ファーストネーム)は 'Bob' で、'last name'(名字)は 'Dobollina' です。 名字のことは 'surname' と呼ばれることもあります。 また、あだ名やSNSのハンドルネームと区別する目的で、'proper name' が使われることもあるかもしれません。 'alias' は普通自分の身元を偽るために使われる偽名をいいます。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Real name

  • Birth name

the Names given to you when you are born, the names written on your identification ex. passport or driver license. "what is your real name?" "what is your birth name?"
生まれたときに与えられる名前やパスポートや運転免許証などの身分証明書に書かれる名前のことです。 "what is your real name?"(本名は何ですか) "what is your birth name?"(本名は何ですか)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Real name

  • Birth name

When you refer to someone's name that they were given at birth - a name that is not a nickname or a social media handle - then you may use the phrases: -real name -birth name You may use the above in a sentence in the following way: -My birth name is Sam Nolan. -My real name is Sam Nolan
(ニックネームやSNSのハンドルネームではなく)生まれたときにもらった名前のことは、次のように言えます。 -real name(本当の名前) -birth name(生まれて最初につけられた名前) これらは文の中では次のように使えます。 -My birth name is Sam Nolan.(私の本名はサム・ノーランです) -My real name is Sam Nolan(私の本名はサム・ノーランです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • real name

  • birth name

「本名」という言葉を英語で表すと、「real name」という表現も「birth name」という表現も使っても良いと考えました。「Real」は「本当の」という意味があって、「birth」は「生まれ」という意味があります。「Name」は「名前」です。例えば、「My nickname is Bob, but my real name is Robert.」と言っても良いです。「Nickname」は「アダ名」という意味があります。
  • Birth name

  • Given name

  • Government name

When specifying that you are in need of a persons REAL NAME, there are a few ways to go about it. The obvious is simply to use the term REAL NAME. Another way is to say, BIRTH NAME. This is the name that was given to them at birth and appears on their birth certificate. You could also use the term GIVEN NAME. This also indicates the name that was given to them at birth which would be their REAL NAME. GOVERNMENT NAME is also a term that we use that lets a person know their real name is needed.
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Real name

Sometimes we use a nickname when using the internet so people don't know our personal details if you choose to use your name you were given by your parents when you were born this is called your 'real name'
インターネットでは個人情報が知られないように 'nickname'(ニックネーム)を使うことがありますね。 もし生まれたときに親から与えられた名前を使うなら、これは 'real name' といいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • real name

  • legal name

「本名」は英語で「real name」と言います。「legal name」も使えますが、ニュアンスは「公式で登録されている名前」です。芸能人の本名を知りたい人がたくさんいますね。 私のツイッターのハンドルネームと本名が違います。 My Twitter handle name and real name are different. リル・ジョンの本名はジョナサン・スミスらしいです。 I heard that Lil Jon's legal name is Jonathan Smith.
  • real name.

  • birth name.

If you would like to know what to call someones real name, you can say "real name" or "birth name". Your birth name is a name that you are born with that you cannot change unless done legally, whereas a nickname is a name that someone gives you or you make up yourself that is different from your birth name.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Real name

We would refer to this as their 'real name:. Examples: My real name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. Is Sunny your real name? I know people call you Sunny, but what's your real name?
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Real name.

  • Actual name.

Here is an example of a dialogue. I forgot to ask you before, what is your real name? My real name is Jason, I don't use my real name on my social media accounts. I don't want to give away my identity to strangers, okay, that's fair enough!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Full name

  • Real name

You may see this on official forms "State your full name". A full name is what will be on your birth certificate as opposed to any nicknames or aliases a person may have. A person will have a 'Firstname" & a 'Surname/family name'. As in, "For the record, can you please state your full name." or "Please fill in your full name in block capitals." For everyday conversation & let's say you have a friend called "Shady" you may ask: "What is your real name Shady?" because it is obvious that it isn't their 'real name'.
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Real name

  • Actual name

  • True name

Well, there is a variety of possibilities. Of course you could also ask someone the full question: "What's your real name as opposed to your nickname?" Or, to be perfectly clear: "What's your christian name as printed on your birth certificate?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • their birth name.

  • their real name.

  • their original given name.

When a person is born their birth is officially registered with the name chosen by their parents. This is their 'birth' or 'real' name also known as their 'given' name.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • real name

こんにちは。 「本名」は英語で real name と言えます。 real は「本当の」、name は「名前」です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 People call me JJ, but my real name is Justin. みんなにはJJって呼ばれているけど、本名はジャスティンです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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