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2019/04/26 09:14
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  • Study abroad destination

ご質問ありがとうございます。 英語で留学先のことをStudy abroad destination と言います。 Study abroadは留学、Destination は目的地という意味です。 例:My dream study abroad destination is Spain. (私の夢見る留学先はスペインです。) I need to decide my study abroad destination. (私は留学先を決めなければならない。) お役に立てれば幸いです!
Amy K DMM英会話講師
  • I have been thinking if I want to study abroad in the U.S. or Britain (U.K.).

「留学先」にぴったり重なる英語の表現はありませんが、上記のように「アメリカに留学したいかイギリスに留学したいか考えています」と言うことができます。「留学する・留学」(動詞・名詞)は "study abroad" です。「しばらくの間考え続けている」のであれば、"have been thinking" と現在完了進行形を使って表現すると良いでしょう。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori N 英語講師
  • Host University

  • Host Institution

If you study abroad, the university or institution that you study at is your host university or host institution. This could be a university or high school, or any type of educational institution. Example: My sister spent a year studying in Australia, and she really enjoyed meeting new people at her host university. When I studied abroad, my host institution provided several programs to help me adjust to live in a new country.
Austin G DMM英会話講師
  • Studying abroad.

  • Abroad to study.

Studying abroad. Abroad to study. When wanting to say you are going to study abroad, you can use one of these two phrases. In all honesty, we haven't got a specific word for this, and destination to study abroad or study abroad destination, to me, sounds weird and strange. I would personally say, study abroad or going to study abroad. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • My overseas study destination of choice is Canada.

  • I have opted for Canada to study overseas.

1. My overseas study destination of choice is Canada. “Overseas study destination of choice” means the country abroad where you have decided to stay to pursue your Degree/ Masters/Doctorate. 2. I have opted for Canada to study overseas. If you state that you have “opted” for Canada, it means that you have chosen to or decided to study in Canada.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Study abroad destination.

  • "where to study abroad"

In English, we do not have a singular word that would describe what you're trying to talk about. The closest that we can get to describing this idea would be, "study abroad destination," as it puts all important features into a noun phrase. If you were trying to decide on where to study abroad we would probably put it into sentences that looks like this : - I'm trying to find out where to study abroad, but I'm still not sure yet. - I still don't know where to study abroad, I'm considering the USA or somewhere in Europe.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Academic host country

  • Educational hosting city/university/country

  • Education facility abroad

You are trying to decide on where to study abroad. You would like to know if there is a word that means "the destination of study abroad"? Well, in one word it seems very difficult .......but perhaps three words: 'academic host country'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have been contemplating where to go to study abroad.

  • I am not so sure where I should go to study abroad yet.

If you are not sure where you want to go to study abroad yet and want to tell someone this, you can say something like "I have been contemplating where to go to study abroad." or "I am not so sure where I should go to study abroad yet." These are nice and polite ways to explain this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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