How long does it take to travel to Japan from (the country)?
How long is the flight from (the country) to Japan?
How many hours in total did it take to come to Japan?
How long does it take to travel to Japan from (the country)?
How long ~? どのくらい~?
How long is the flight from (the country) to Japan?
Is your house close to the airport?
How many hours in total did it take to come to Japan?
How many hours ~? 何時間で~?
「何時間?」を聞く時、英語では一般的に"How long"といいますが、直訳の"How many hours?"という表現も使えます。
"How long does it take to travel from your country to Japan?"
"to take time"は「時間がかかる」という意味を持っています。"your country"は「あなたの国」に相当します。
"How many hours did it take you to finish this homework?"