世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/28 23:55
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  • (official) marriage registration; (official) marriage certificate

「婚姻届」つまり、結婚するために必要な書類は英語に訳すとこのようです。 official marriage registration marriage registration marriage certificate official marriage certificate "Official" という言葉を入れたら、「正式」と同じ役割の言葉です。 "Certificate" は「証明書」です。 "Registration" は「登録」に相当します。 英語頑張りましょう:)
  • Marriage certificate

「婚姻届」はmarriage certificateと言います。 I turned in my marriage certificate to the city office. 「市役所に婚姻届を提出した」 市役所に提出するのは日本のやり方で、アメリカだと婚姻届はお役所からもらって自分で保管しておきます。 I filled out the form to receive my marriage certificate. 「婚姻証明書(婚姻届)をもらうために書類に記入した」 こう言う方がアメリカだと合ってますね。
  • Notice of marriage.

  • To give notice of marriage.

  • To register notice of marriage.

In the UK, an upcoming marriage must be registered at the Registry of Births and Marriages 28 days before the wedding
UKでは、結婚28日前までにRegistry of Births and Marriagesに登録しなければいけません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • notice of no impediment to marriage

  • A notice of marriage

  • marriage license

There is an official document that you need to submit to get married and that is called "the notice of marriage" or generally known in most countries as "notice of no impediment to marriage" This document is a way of proving that there is no Impediment/Obstruction in allowing you to be married and shows that there has been no objection to your proposed marriage. Then after that when you are officially married you get the marriage certificate/license.
the notice of marriageという公的な書類が、結婚するときに政府に提出が必要です。 また、notice of no impediment to marriageともいいますね。 この書類は、結婚するにあたって、何の反対も問題もない、ということを証明するものとなります。 この後は、公式に結婚が認められ、結婚証明が貰えます。
Sharon R DMM英会話講師
  • marriage certificate

marriage certificate - a copy of the record of a legal marriage, with details of names, date, etc. ------------------------------------ Marriage types : Civil marriage Religious marriage Civil Unions Customary Marriages Common law marriage
marriage certificate - 名前、日付などが記載された婚姻記録の写し ------------------------------------ 結婚の種類 : Civil marriage (民間の結婚) Religious marriage (宗教的な結婚) Civil Unions (シビル・ユニオン) Customary Marriages (習慣的結婚) Common law marriage (事実婚)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage registration

  • Marriage certificate

To become legally married in the UK you must officially register your marriage under law. This is done in a registry office, usually held in your local council office. We use the term council in the UK to describe local government and its administrative services. A local prefecture office may be a similar comparison in Japan. Once the marriage registration is complete, you are then given a marriage certificate. This is your legal copy and official document that proves your marriage is approved and registered by law.
イギリスで合法的に婚姻関係になるには、法に基づいて婚姻を登録する必要があります。これは、戸籍役場で行うことができます。イギリスでは、councilという言葉は、地元行政とその管理オフィスのことを指します。地元の都道府県のオフィスが、日本でいうそれにあたると思います。 婚姻登録が済むと、結婚証明書が発行されます。これは、法的な書類で、あなた方の結婚が承認され、法的に受け付けられましたということを示す公的書類となります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage license

  • Marriage certificate

There is a difference between a marriage license and marriage certificate: A marriage license This document is obtained by an authority prior to the marriage. It means that you are allowed to get married NOT that your are married A marriage certificate This is an official document that declares that two persons are married. This document is obtained after the marriage or during the ceremony. ____________________________________________________________ Example A: We got our marriage license today. B: What does that mean? A: We can get married!
Tmarriage license とmarriage certificateには違いがあります。 A marriage license This document is obtained by an authority prior to the marriage. この書類は、結婚に先立ち権威のある人が発行する書類。 つまりあなたは結婚していないから結婚することができるという証明です。 A marriage certificate This is an official document that declares that two persons are married. これは2人が結婚したという誓いの書類。 結婚式のあとまたは最中に、もらえます。 ____________________________________________________________ 例 A: We got our marriage license today. 今日結婚許可証をもらったんだ。 B: What does that mean? なにそれ? A: We can get married! 私たちは結婚できるってことだよ
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage Certificate

  • Registration of Marriage certificate

example "marriage certificate". Is given by the registrar on completion of the marriage. a registration of marriage certificate or marriage certificate
例:  "marriage certificate"とは、婚姻を登録することによってもらうことのできるものです。 registration of marriage certificateもしくはmarriage certificateと言います。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • "Marriage certificate"

  • "Marriage licence"

The paper that you submit in order to legally be able to marry someone is most commonly referred to in English as either, "Marriage certificate" or "Marriage licence".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • marriage license

  • Me and Sally have to go to the courthouse to file our marriage license.

The formal, government document that says that 2 people are married is called a 'marriage license.' A license is a formal, government certification that someone is given permission to have a privilege. EX) Me and Sally have to go to the courthouse to file our marriage license.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage certificate

A marriage certificate is a document that is signed during or after a wedding. It states that the couple is now legally wed or married. In Ireland, most people get married in a church. It is quite common. Even if you don't practise the religion but still consider yourself a Catholic, people will still attend the wedding ceremony. "We signed our marriage certificate after the service was finished"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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