世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/06/14 18:12
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  • Thank you for checking my email.

  • Thank you for looking over my email.

  • Thank you for confirming.

この場合の「[確認](」は「[目を通す](」「[チェック](」の意味ですよね。 「チェック」は英語のことばなんだからそのまま check を言ってもいいです。 「目を通す」は英語で look over と言います。「ざっと目を通す」意味です。 「ご確認ありがとうございます。」はまた別の意味です。 この場合の確認は英語で confirm です。英語では "Thank you for confirming" です。 例:内容を確認してください Please confirm the contents
Ben L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Thanks for checking my email

  • Thank you for correcting my email. I really appreciate it.

"Thanks for checking my email" is a more informal way of saying it, probably to a friend. The other is more formal and more appropriate if you are addressing a colleague. "Thank you for correcting my email. I really appreciate your help".
"Thanks for checking my email"(メールを確認してくれてありがとう。)は、友達などに使う、カジュアルな表現です。  同僚に使うなら以下の例がふさわしいです。 "Thank you for correcting my email. I really appreciate your help" (メールを訂正してくれてありがとう。感謝しています。)
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for proofreading my email.

  • Thanks for making sure my email is correctly written.

  • I appreciate that you had a look at my email.

Checking for errors is always a good thing, we call this proofreading. Checking for spelling mistakes is very important. "Peter, thank you for looking through the email and fixing it before I send it off."
[間違い](がないか確認するのはいいことです。これを proofreading(プルーフリーディング)と言います。 [スペルミス](がないかを確認するのはとても大事なことです。   "Peter, thank you for looking through the email and fixing it before I send it off." (ピーター、送る前にメールを確認して、[訂正](してくれてありがとう。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I appreciate you checking the email for me.

  • Thanks for checking my email.

  • Thank you for checking the email.

When you want to say thank you to someone for checking an email for mistakes, you can say, "Thank you for checking the email."
人にメールのミスを確認してもらってありがとうと言いたいときは、 "Thank you for checking the email."(メールを確認してくれてありがとう。)と言うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much for such a great job reviewing my email.

  • I really appreciate you analyzing my email.

Expressing thanks often includes what specifically you are thanking them for. Your friend reviewing, looking closely at, or analyzing, checking for any mistakes or errors; would be appropriate things to thank them for.
Derrick M DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for helping me with the grammar in my email.

  • Thank you so much for helping me with my email writing.

  • Thank you for helping me with this email project. I appreciate your helping me with my English writing.

Thanks for reviewing my email and making all the needed corrections. I really appreciate your help and effort.
Thanks for reviewing my email and making all the needed corrections. I really appreciate your help and effort. (メールを確認して、必要なところを訂正してくれてありがとう。手伝ってくれて感謝しています。)
Parker DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much for casting your eye over my email.

  • Thanks for correcting the flaws in my email.

1.Thank you so much for casting your eye over my email. To cast your eye over something means to scan it or read it in order to check for any mistakes and to provide suggestions or alternatives in order to make it sound or look better. 2. Thanks for rectifying the flaws in my email. Rectifying means correcting something.A flaw is a mistake or an error.
1. Thank you so much for casting your eye over my email.(メールを確認してくれてどうもありがとう) "To cast your eye over something" は「〔ミスがないかを確認したり、意見を言うために〕~に目を通す[を読む]」という意味です。 2. Thanks for rectifying the flaws in my email.(メールを直してくれてありがとう) "Rectifying" は「正す」という意味です。"A flaw" は「ミス/誤り」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for looking over my email

  • Thanks for proof reading my email

  • Cheers for checking my email

You asked a friend who is an English native to check your English email before you sent it. You want to thank him/her for checking your English. Any of the above suggested sentences would be perfect for this context.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for checking and correcting my mistakes.

  • I appreciate you checking and correcting my email.

  • Thank you for vetting my email.

If you want to thank someone for chjecking your work, you can use any of these sentences:- 1. Thank you for checking and correcting my mistakes. Example:- Thank you for checking and correcting my mistakes in my email yesterday. I'm very grateful. 2. I appreciate you checking and correcting my email. Example:- I want to tell you that I appreciate you checking and correcting my email. 3. Thank you for vetting my email. Example:- Thank you for vetting my email before I forwarded to my boss.
1. Thank you for checking and correcting my mistakes.(間違いをチェックしてくれてありがとうございました) 例: Thank you for checking and correcting my mistakes in my email yesterday. I'm very grateful. (昨日はメールの間違いをチェックしてくれてありがとうございました。助かりました) 2. I appreciate you checking and correcting my email.(間違いをチェックしてくれてありがとうございました) 例: I want to tell you that I appreciate you checking and correcting my email. (メールの間違いをチェックしていただきありがとうございます) 3. Thank you for vetting my email.(メールをチェックしてくれてありがとうございました) 例: Thank you for vetting my email before I forwarded to my boss.(上司に送る前にメールをチェックしてくれてありがとう)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you very much for checking my e-mail

  • I am very grateful for your help

Both of them means the same, although, remember that the first sentence is more clear because there is an explanation of what are you thankful for.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for looking over my email for me.

  • Thank you for taking the time to look over the email for me.

If you would like to thank someone for helping you go over an email in English for you, you can say something like "Thank you for taking the time to look over the email for me." or Thanks for helping me look through that email the other day i really appreciate it!".
「メールをチェックしてくれてありがとう」は、次のように言えます。 "Thank you for taking the time to look over the email for me."(忙しいところメールを確認してくれてありがとう) "Thanks for helping me look through that email the other day I really appreciate it!"(この間はメールを確認してくれてありがとう、とても助かりました)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for reviewing my email.

  • Thank you for having a look at my email.

  • Thank you for your feedback on my draft.

1. "To review" means to check, assess and give an opinion/feedback. You are thanking your friend for doing it for you. 2."To have a look" means to quickly check something. In this context your friend had a look at your email and you are thanking him for doing so. 3. You are thanking for friend for his/her feedback, meaning comments and corrections on the draft version of your email. "Draft" is a working copy of a written document or a letter.
1. "To review" は、確認、評価、そしてアドバイス/フィードバックをすることをいいます。ここでは、これをしてくれた友人に感謝を伝えています。 2. "To have a look" は「サッとチェックする」という意味です。ここでは、Eメールをチェックしてくれた友人に感謝を伝えています。 3. これは、メールの下書きを見てフィードバック(意見と添削)をくれた友人に感謝を伝えています。"Draft" は「〔文書・手紙の〕下書き」をいいます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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