What I like about her is that she doesn’t butter up to guys.
「媚びを売る」は 英語では “to butter up” という表現があります。
❶What I like about her is that she doesn’t butter up to guys.
The thing I like about her is that she doesn't bother trying to flatter men.
The thing I like about her is that she doesn't waste time offering lip service to guys.
1) The thing I like about her is that she doesn't bother trying to flatter men.
ここでは「男性に媚びる」を flatter men を使って言いました。
2) The thing I like about her is that she doesn't waste time offering lip service to guys.
offer lip service to guys を直訳すると「男性に口先だけの好意を示す」=「男性に媚びを売る」というニュアンスになります。
waste time で「時間を無駄にする」