Since entering 3rd year in high school, I have been busy with school and my part-time job.
「高校3年生になって」は、entering 3rd year in high schoolと訳しました。英語では、「~年生になって」というよりは、enterを使い、その学年に「入って」という表現をします。
I have been busy → 忙しくて。最近忙しい。
「~が忙しい」はbusy withという表現を使います。
バイト → part-time job
Since I started my third year of high school, I've been pretty busy with school work and my part-time job.
ーSince I started my third year of high school, I've been pretty busy with school work and my part-time job.
third year of high school で「高校3年生」
school work「学校の勉強」
part-time job「アルバイト」
"Since I became a senior in high school, I've been busy with school and my part-time job."
「高校3年生になってから、学校やアルバイトが忙しくて」という表現を英語にする場合、"Since I became a senior in high school, I've been busy with school and my part-time job."が自然な言い回しです。"Senior in high school"は高校3年生を意味し、"I've been busy with"は「~で忙しかった」という表現になります。
- "I haven’t had the chance to reply to emails, but things have settled down recently, so I wanted to get back to you."
- Senior in high school(高校3年生)
- Part-time job(アルバイト)
- Busy schedule(忙しいスケジュール)
- Settle down(落ち着く)