アメリカ英語では高校は high school と言います。
幼稚園 kindergarten
小学校 elementary school
中学校 middle school
高校 high school
高校生はhigh school studentと言います。
高校1年生(9年生) freshman
高校2年生(10年生) junior
高校3年生(11年生) sophomore
高校4年制 (12年生) senior
「高校」は英語圏の国によって言い方が違いますが、一般的に「high school」と言います。イギリスでは地方によって「upper school」という言い方も使われています。イギリス人の16歳~18歳の学生は「sixth form」に入っています。
I graduated from high school last year.
My son is a high school student.
When I was at high school I was in the soccer team.
「高校」は英語で high school / senior high school / senior high などと言えます。
Where did you go to high school?
My son starts high school next year.
In the UK, children age over 11 years attend secondary school.
EX. "Henry will start secondary school this coming September."
In the UK, prior to secondary school, children attend junior school.
イギリスでは、11歳までが小学校(Junior school) に通い、それ以降は全て中等学校(secondary school)に通います。
EX. "Henry will start secondary school this coming September." (ヘンリーはこの9月から中等学校に通い始めます。)
「高校」は、英語で "high school" と言います。小文字で書いてますが、高校の名前だったら、大文字になります。例えば、"Sakura High School" は大文字で書いてます。
I go to high school from Monday to Friday. 「月曜日から金曜日まで高校に通う。」
I will start attending Sakura High School from this April. 「4月から桜高校に入学します。」
米国では高校を high schoolと言うのが一般的です。Senior high schoolもたまに聞きますが、それは大体中学校が junior high schoolと言われている場合のみ(junior high schoolより middle schoolの方が一般的です)
I am a freshman in high school
I am a high school graduate
In the U.S., high school is 4 years.
There are different names depending on which country you are in:
In South Africa, it is "High School".
In the UK it is called "Secondary School."
Preparatory School is Grade 1-3 aged 7 to 9 in South Africa
Primary School is grade 4-7 aged 10 to 13.
High School in grade 8-12 aged 14 to 18.
At the age of 16 students can choose to finish school, continue or go to a technical college and learn a trade.
Eg: Jody will be going to college to learn how to do woodwork.
Jody will start high school in January
南アフリカの場合、"High School"です。
イギリスは"Secondary School"
南アフリカではPreparatory School は1-3年であり7-9歳の子供が通います。
Primary School は4-7学年であり 10 -13歳が通います。
High School は 8-12学年であり 14-18歳までが通います。
例:Jody will be going to college to learn how to do woodwork.
Jody will start high school in January
The last few years of secondary school is referred to as "high school".
The different levels:
-Elementary (kindergarten - 5th/6th grade)
-Middle school (6th/7th grade - 8th grade)
-High school (9th grade - 12th grade)
「高校」は英語では「high school」と言います。
「high school」は「高校」という意味の名詞です。
What's your favorite memory from high school?
I'm a high school teacher.
I graduated from high school in 1982.
高校は high school と言います。
A: Did you graduate high school?
B: Yes. Did you?
A: 高卒?
B: はい。あなたは?
Next year my daughter will graduate high school.
She teaches at the local high school.
アメリカでの高校"high school"には4年間あります。
"I will be graduating from high school in about a year from now."→「あと一年ほどで高校を卒業します。」
"My younger brother is in his junior year of high school. "→「私の弟は高校3年生です。」
高校のことを"senior high school"とも言えますが、それは中学校を"junior high school"という習慣がある場所だと思います。中学校は"middle school"(文字通りに訳すと「真ん中の学校」)と言えば、"senior"を省いて"high school"と言っても良いです。
From year, (grade), 9 - 12, what school do you go to?
Well, in England, you will be in Secondary school, but that starts at year 7.
Oh okay. And in other countries?
It is called high school.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
I am so glad high school is over and the summer vacation can begin.
The best years of my life was high school. I had no responsibilities.
I had a part time job after high school so I didn't play sports.
高校 high school
I am so glad high school is over and the summer vacation can begin.
私の人生の最高の年は高校でした。 私には責任がありませんでした。
The best years of my life was high school. I had no responsibilities.
I had a part time job after high school so I didn't play sports.
「高校」は high school と言います。
「高校生」は high school student になります。
My daughter is a high school student.
I graduated from high school and started working as a carpenter this march.
The most common word that's used in American English would be, High school which ranges between grades 9th to 12th. There are even titles for each grade!
9th - Freshman
10th - Sophomore
11th - Junior
12th - Senior
In British English they might also call high school, Secondary school.
・「high school」
(例文)I will graduate high school soon.
(例文)He studied Japanese in high school.
middle school 中学校