例えば、買いやすい値段の物からコレクターレベルの高価な商品を取り扱っている雑貨屋さんの場合は以下の表現が適切だと思われます→○○Shop and Gallery
「○ Shop and Gallery」の両方を使う事で、幅広い値段・分野の雑貨[商品](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36375/)を取り扱っているニュアンスを受け取られます。お店によってはGalleryのみを使い、○○ Galleryとしているところもあります。個人的ですが、質の高い商品を取り扱っている、オシャレな雑貨屋さん、というイメージを受けます。
または「knick-knack shop」
knick-knack (発音:にっくなっく)は雑貨という意味。
雑貨屋でもビンテージ商品を取り扱っている場合はVintage store やAntique store を使う方が適切だと思います。
I hope it helps :)
Zakka is a fashion and design phenomenon that has spread from Japan throughout Asia.
The term refers to everything and anything that improves your home, life and appearance.'
According to that definition, in the UK, it would equate more or less to a department store such as John Lewis.
There are, of course smaller random shops offering a large variety of items and such place may be called a 'megastore.'
Convenience store (Americans) - mostly used by American English speakers, it is normally a shop that sells various goods.
Corner shop (British) - (It brings back memories) A corner shop is normally situated within a residential area and not in the middle of the city. Back when I was a kid, normally it was a family who ran the shop and lived in the building.
The Shop, Petrol station, 7/11, etc. - Alternatively you can say "where is the nearest shop" or I am going to pop to the shop/7.11/ etc"
Convenience store (Americans)
Corner shop (British)
-コーナーショップは通常、住宅街にあり、街の中央にはありません。 私が子供のころに遡り考えると、通常、建物に住んでいた家族がその店を経営していました。
The Shop, Petrol station, 7/11, etc.
- あるいは、"where is the nearest shop"="最も近い店はどこですか"と言うか、I am going to pop to the shop/7.11/ etc"ちょっと店に行きたいんですが。ということができます。
A shop that sells various goods can be called a variety store. Such a store will be selling a wide range of small cheap items.
You may also call it a general store, general shop or a general merchandise store, depending on where you are.
Depending on where you are, the US or Britain, a general store, variety store or general merchandise store will usually be found in a small town to cater for the small populations. This is due to the fact that in big cities, shops tend to specialize in particular products such as clothing,, hardware, cell phones, etc. In big cities, shops tend to target a particular target market according to demographics of the buyers.
*pound shop*
*Local bazaar*
*Dollar store*
All of the above phrases are linked to shops that are really cheap and have a variety of different products in. This can range from bathroom products, beauty, DIY, tools, sewing kits, candles, make up, dressing up clothes, stationary, bags, postcards, food- pretty much everything!
Like other teacher have said you can call it a:
*corner shop (UK)
*local shop (UK)
*newspaper shop (UK)
*mini mart- (UK)
*7/11 (US not UK)
Hope that helps! ^ ^
Usually a store that sells various household items along with food is called a 'corner store', 'general store', 'department store', or a 'drug store'.
A general store often also sells gas outside.
A drug store sells pharmaceutical items as well as gifts, greeting cards, candies, clothing, and more related items.
A department store is generally a larger shop which sells many different items such as food, stationary supplies, auto parts, technology, and other items. Some well known department stores are Aldi, Target, and Walmart.
In American English we refer to stores which sell various goods either by describing them (e.g. General merchandise store) or by the designation "convenience store". The latter is used because these kind of stores making shopping easy or convenient for your typical American consumer.
A less accurate but commonly used expression is "grocery store." While these primarily provide a variety of food items, modern day grocery stores also include other kinds of merchandise including but not limited to electronics, periodicals, etc.
アメリカ英語では、様々な商品を売っている店を、店名(例 General merchandise store)又は”convenience store”のような称号で表します。
あまり正確ではないがよく使われている表現は、”grocery store”(雑貨屋)です。
これらの店は主に様々な食品を販売しますが、最近の”grocery store”は、電気製品、雑誌に限らず様々な商品を扱っています。
A department store is a large establishment that sells a variety and range of goods, organized into separate departments. All departments are housed under the same roof to facilitate buying, customer service, merchandising, and control.
「雑貨店」は英語で variety store と言うことができます。
It's a variety store. It sells a lot of different things.
a lot of = たくさんの
different things = 様々なもの