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2019/08/14 01:21
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  • I backpacked along the west coast of the United States for 40 days.

  • I went backpacking up/down the west coast of the US for 40 days.

  • I backpacked through the US west coast for 40 days.

1) I backpacked along the west coast of the United States for 40 days. (私はアメリカの西海岸沿いをバックパッカーとして40日間旅しました。) to backpack = バックパックする、つまり、バックパッカーとして旅する。 along the west coast = 西海岸に沿って 2) I went backpacking up/down the west coast of the US for 40 days. (私はアメリカ西海岸を40日間かけて北/南へバックパッカーとして旅しました。) こちらは旅した方向によって言い方が変わります。北に向かっていたのか南に向かっていたのかで I went backpacking up the west coast または I went backpacking down the west coast となります。 3)I backpacked through the US west coast for 40 days. (私はアメリカ西海岸を40日間かけてバックパッカーとして通り抜けました) to backpack through の through は「通り抜ける」というニュアンスですが、西海岸に沿って旅をした、という風に解釈します。 どうぞご参考に。
Ayumi L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • I spent 40 days backpacking along the west coast of the USA.

  • I went on a 40 day trip backpacking along the west coast of the USA.

  • I backpacked along the west coast of the USA over 40 days.

All of these phrases convey your key information: that you backpacked, where, and how long for. None of these phrases are informal, so they may all be used in an interview.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • I backpacked through the west coast of the USA for 40 days.

  • I went on a 40 day backpacking trip through the west coast of the USA.

  • I backpacked along the west coast of the USA for over 40 days

As you can see from the three example sentences written above, these phrases have very similar structure to each other with only either the structure of the sentence changing or a few small word choices. Regardless of these minor changes, they all still come how to have the same meaning and would be understood in the same way by any native speaker. There are probably more ways for you to describe this idea so feel free to play around with the sentence to find out what feels like a great and comfortable way to express this in your own words! :)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I travelled down the west coast of the USA for 40 days.

  • I backpacked along the west coast of America for 40 days.

  • For 40 days I backpacked along the west coast of America.

I travelled down the west coast of the USA for 40 days. I backpacked along the west coast of America for 40 days. For 40 days I backpacked along the west coast of America. When you want to let people know that you went backpacking/ travelling for a certain amount of time, in a polite way, you can use one of these three sentences. Personally, I would say and use the first one. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • to backpack (v)

  • to travel (v)

  • I traveled/backpacked along the West Coast of the US for 40 days.

You can simply use the verb 'to travel' when describing this. EX) I traveled along the West Coast of the US for 40 days. Traveling is a more general way saying this. The next verb, to backpack, can have a slightly negative, dirty understanding (depending on the person). Some people see backpackers as dirty or lower class. -to backpack (v) EX)I backpacked along the West Coast of the US for 40 days. To backpack is a popular way for young people to travel and experience new cultures (because it is cheaper than standard travel). Backpacking is an incredible way to see cultures closer to how the natives live, but again, to some older/conservative people it is seen as dangerous or dirty. It depends on the person that you are talking to
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I backpacked along the west coast of America for 40 days

  • I hiked along the US west coast for 40 days

You backpacked along the west coast of America for 40 days and would like to explain this - in a polite way, because you want to say it in an interview. Any of the above suggestions should be adequate for your purposes.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I spent more than a month backpacking along the US west coast.

  • I backpacked through the US west coast for little over a month.

1. I spent more than a month backpacking along the US west coast. This means that you traveled along the west coast, living out of your backpack and staying in cheap and affordable accommodation during this time. 2. I backpacked through the US west coast for little over a month. The phrase “little over a month” is a period of time. It means you did this for just more than a month.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I backpacked across the west coast of America for 40 days straight.

  • I backpacked along the west coast of America for 40 days.

If you would like to explain that you backpacked across the west coast of America for 40 days, you can say something like "I backpacked across the west coast of America for 40 days straight." or "I backpacked along the west coast of America for 40 days.' This is an easy way to explain this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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