世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2019/09/24 08:32
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  • online dictionary

オンライン辞書は英語で online dictionary と言います。 dictionary で「辞書」という意味になるので、English-Japanese dictionary なら「英和辞典」ということです。 I use an online dictionary when we have our class together. 「私たちのクラスの時、オンライン辞書を使います。」 I usually look up words using an online dictionary. 「大抵オンライン辞書を使って単語を調べます。」 look up words「単語を調べる」 ご参考まで!
  • online dictionary

「オンライン辞書」は英語では ❶ online dictionary です。 オンライン は 英語でも onlineです。 辞書 は dictionary です。 例えば、 When I need to look up a word, I use an online dictionary such as Webster. (ある言葉を調べる時、「ウェブスター」のような オンライン辞書を使っています。 *Webster は アメリカでは有名な辞書の名前です。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
  • web-based dictionary

  • internet dictionary

Words that are used to refer to the world wide web are online, web-based, and internet. These words can be used to describe media or tools that are found via this avenue. Example sentences may be: I often like to use web-based dictionaries to find synonyms for words because I can get more details. Internet dictionaries are becoming more popular because they are more convenient to use.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Online dictionary

An online dictionary is a dictionary that is on the internet, it is a very convenient method for people who need to find words, etc. You can use the internet on your smart phone, laptop, etc, so it is easy for you to use an online dictionary wherever you are.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Online dictionary

  • Google

  • Siri

The technical term would be online dictionary but modern terms have become the common terms. For example you can ask siri or google to define terms. So, it's common to hear someone say, "Ask siri," or "Look it up on google," or "Ask Alexa." Since, it's quite old-fashioned to get a dictionary out these days and those platforms will do that for you.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • Online dictionary

If I am working on the internet and I struggle to understand the meaning of a word I can quickly search Google for a dictionary and look up the word. This is known as an online dictionary. There are many online dictionaries to choose from, the most popular being Collins or Cambridge. The great thing about an online dictionary is that you can access it from your phone, tablet or laptop.
Thalia T DMM英会話講師
  • Online dictionary

  • Website-based dictionary

Online or website-based dictionaries are founts of knowledge and can be accessed in an instant to assist with the meanings of words or with synonyms thereof. "Founts of knowledge"refers to something that provides a huge amount of information. Example sentence: My grandmother is a fount of knowledge. (This means that your grandmother is very wise and that you can gain a huge amount of knowledge from her.)
Shams DMM英会話講師
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