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2019/10/01 14:09
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  • preschool teacher

  • care giver

小さい頃の夢は保育園の先生でした、という分については、以下のような言い方があります。 My dream when I was a child was to be a preschool teacher I wanted to be a preschool teacher when I was a little
Yuiko K 英語講師
  • Nursery school teacher

  • Playschool teacher

Nursery schools or playschools are places where children who are too young to attend school are cared for while the parents are working. Oftentimes, learning activities are provided that contribute to the child's development.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Preschool teacher

  • Kindergarden teacher

  • Early Years teacher

Someone who is a teacher at preschool can be called any of the following titles:- 1. Preschool teacher 2. Kindergarden teacher 3. Early Years Teacher Here are some examples of these titles in use:- 1. Preschool teacher:- " I like teaching and I love to work with kids, so I think the career of choice for me would a Preschool Teacher," 2. Kindergarden Teacher:- " My son is three years old, I need to speak to his kindergarden teacher because he may be crying at school." 3. Early Years Teacher:- " I am studying Early Childhood Education in University so that I can become an Early Years teacher."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Preschool Teacher

A Preschool Teacher is someone who prepares young children for primary school, kids learn the basics at preschool, like how to count, sing the alphabet, play games and learn what it's like to be in a class room.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Reception teacher

  • Nursery school teacher

In England we may use pre-school is often referred to as nursery or reception. For example its common to say, "Who taught your reception class?," "Who was your teacher in reception."
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • Nursery school teacher

  • Pre-school teacher

The terms nursery school teacher and pre-school teacher are interchangeable. These teachers are responsible for taking care of and educating very young children before they enter the foundation phase at junior school. Example sentence: My daughter's nursery school teacher lives in our town.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Preschool teacher.

  • Nursery school teacher.

  • Reception teacher.

It most definitely depends on where you come from, but when I was a kid in England, we went to reception, so the teacher would have been called Reception teacher. But other countries call schools different things. What do you call Reception, 4 - 5 yeas old? Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that suits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Preschool teacher

A teacher who teaches at the preschool level would be called a, "preschool teacher." Example sentences : - When I was younger, I had the best preschool teacher. - I considered becoming a preschool teacher in University. - I love being a preschool teacher, kids are so much fun.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Kindergarten teacher

  • Preschool educator

You could use any of the above two phrases when referring to a preschool teacher. - Educator; another word for teacher Examples; - My son has a very pleasant kindergarten teacher. - We have a shortage of good preschool educators.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Kindergarten Teacher

  • Preschool Teacher

In English, we use the expressions Kindergarten Teacher and Preschool Teacher to describe someone who teaches in preschool. It depends on your definition of preschool though. In the United States (as well as in many Latin American countries) we have what is known as Kindergarten (Literally Child Garden in German) that can last anywhere from one to three years, immediately before first grade in elementary school. Teachers there are known as Kindergarten Teachers. Preschool Teachers are synonomous with Kindergarten Teachers because preschool is also considered to be those years immediately before first grade.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
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