Micro-mini skirt falls just barely covering the underwear. This would be the shortest skirt hem anything shorter would be a belt.. just for reference it goes from shortest to longest skirt length.
............................................. then there's others like
A mini skirt is the most commonly used name in British English for a very short skirt.
A pencil skirt is the name we use for a tight fitting, straight cut skirt. A pencil skirt can be long or short, it is commonly black or monochrome colours and worn by office workers.
A tutu is a short, flared skirt, used by ballerinas. It is very short and is often made of netting and worn with tights, a leotard and ballet shoes and is a bright colour.
Well, a short skirt may generate a mix of comments and emotions. Sometimes words need not be said as in the third example above. You may hear a comment such as the second example which may or may not be critical or approving, depending on the speaker - or gender of the speaker.
A skirt that sits around the upper thigh is called a mini-skirt.
A micro mini-skirt is often a little shorter than a mini-skirt. It covers the bum and not much else.
The word mini-skirt is often just shortened to mini.
Q: What are you wearing tonight?
A: I'm wearing a white top with my black mini.
A mini skirt is a very short skirt that is quite revealing of the women's legs and even bottom, if it is very short. Here is an example of a dialogue: did you Jessica's mini skirt she had on yesterday? Yeah it was so short!
What are you wearing?
A mini-skirt.
Are you sure that is a mini-skirt? That is very very short.
It is still a mini-skirt though.
And so on, and so on.
I think you get the picture.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
The above phrases all describe a very short skirt. You can use all of them in sentences when you want to describe the skirt. For example:
"She is wearing a mini skirt."
"I consider that skirt to be an ultra mini skirt, as it barely covers the top of her legs!"
"I saw a short skirt at the store around the corner."
As you can see, the different descriptions of one skirt can vary depending on your perception of how short it is.
The girl in line for the club has a very short skirt.
A short skirt is commonly referred to as a 'mini-skirt' but you can simply describe it as a 'short skirt.'
The girl in line for the club has a very short skirt.
Britney Spears used to wear short skirts.
Mini skirts are clothing items generally worn my women. The mini skirt is known to be super short, often just covering the buttocks.
Mini skirts often attract the attention of men, if this isn't the type of attention you're looking for, one can opt for a slightly longer form of skirt.
Mini skirts are great for the summer as they are not made of a lot of material and therefore usually cool to wear.
We would call a very short skirt a, "mini-skirt," however just describing the skirt using the adjective, "short," also works as well.
Example sentences :
- My friend bought three new mini-skirts at the mall today.
- Mini skirts are against school dress code because they are too short.
If you are wondering what the English term is for a very short skirt, its normally referred to as a "mini-skirt". These are skirts that are normally very short and some people find controversial. You can use this word in a sentence by saying something like "Did you see the mini skirt that girl was wearing?".