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少しお腹が空いてるんだけど、軽く食べられるもの ありますか。って英語でなんて言うの?

ロングフライトの時、食事の時間外で小腹が空いた時に何か軽いものが 食べたい時、客室乗務員の人に聞きたい
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2015/11/26 12:16
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  • I’m a little hungry, do you have anything light to eat?

  • I’m a little hungry, do you have anything like to snack on?

少しお腹が空いてるんだけど= I’m a little hungry, 〜ものがありますか? = Do you have something to 〜〜EatとSnack onの違い〜〜 eat は普通に食べるという意味です。 Snack onはおつまみみたいに気にせず、軽く食べることです。正式なお食事ではなく、主に手で食べます。 I’m a little hungry. Let’s snack on some chips! ちょっと腹減った。チップスを食べよう。 とにかくpeckishはイギリス英語
  • I'm a bit peckish. Do you have anything light to eat?

  • I'm a little hungry. Might you have any light refreshments?

こういう話題は自由度が非常に高いので、辞書や類語辞典を引いて楽しい組み合わせを使うと良いです。 >少しお腹が空いてるんだけど ↓ ----------------------- I'm a little hungry. I could go for something to eat. I'm a bit peckish. I could use a bite. I've got a small case of the munchies. I've got the munchies. ----------------------- >軽く食べられるものありますか。 ↓ ----------------------- Do you have anything light to eat? Do you have anything that's not too filling? Do you have anything to snack on? Do you have anything fit for a light meal? Do you have anything to nibble on? Do you have any light refreshments? ----------------------- ※「Do you」を「Would you happen to」、「Might you」などに差し替えることもできます(意味はほとんど変わりませんので、言いやすい方を使ってください)。 使用例 ----------------------- Excuse me, I'm a little hungry. Do you have any light refreshments on-hand? Hi, I could really use a bite. Do you have anything that's not too filling? Excuse me, sir/ma'am--would you happen to have anything to snack on? -----------------------
  • I'm a little hungry, do you have anything I could eat?

  • Do you have anything I can nibble on?

  • Do you have any snacks?

I'm a little hungry, do you have anything I could eat? =ちょっとお腹が空いたんだけど食べれるものある? ちょっとだけお腹が空いてる事を伝えてあるのでお菓子など小さいものを意味します。 Do you have anything I can nibble on? =つまめる物ある? nibble =かじる、つまむ Do you have any snacks? =スナックありますか? 甘いもの、しょっぱいものどちらも指します。
  • Excuse me, I’m a bit peckish, do you have nibbles?

Excuse me, I’m a bit peckish, do you have nibbles? Peckish – hungry Nibbles – snacks We use nibbles for snacks in informal situations, you aren’t hungry enough for a full meal, and something to nibble on would satisfy you for time being. “Is there anything I can nibble on”, “I just fancy something to nibble on”.
Peckish – 小腹が空いた Nibbles – 軽食/スナック nibbles は、カジュアルな言い方でスナックの意味です。 きちんとした食事をとる程お腹が空いていない時、ちょっと小腹が空いた時の表現です。 “Is there anything I can nibble on”,"何か軽く食べるものない?"、 “I just fancy something to nibble on”."ちょっと軽く食べたい気分"。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have some snacks?

軽食にはsnackがよく使われます。 また、finger food: つまみ  こういうのも使えます!
  • Excuse me do you have any light snacks?

  • Hi, I'm just a little peckish. Is there a light meal or snack available please?

  • I would like something to eat that's not too heavy. What do you think is best?

Any of these is suitable for that situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any snacks

  • are there any light snacks

  • have you got anything i can snack on

examples "Are there are snacks in here, I am a little hungry" or "Are there any snacks?" or "Have you got anything I can snack on?"
"Are there are snacks in here, I am a little hungry" ここに何かスナックはありますか?少しお腹がすきました。  "Are there any snacks?" スナックはありますか?  "Have you got anything I can snack on?" ちょっと食べるスナックはありますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a little snack please?

  • Can I have something light to eat please?

  • Do you have any snacks?

The first two sentences come from the perspective of wanting something like, "a snack," or at least, "something light to eat." We can also ask the steward/stewardess if they have any snacks that we can eat.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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