基本的には「Mind if I put my seat back?」又は「Mind if I recline?」になります。
「Can I put my seat back?」、「Can I recline?」、「Mind if I reclined for a bit?」、「Mind if I catch some shut-eye and recline?」(「catch some shut-eye」=「[寝る](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/38675/)」)
直前に「Excuse me.」を入れると、より丁寧な印象になり、相手が喜ぶ効果があります。
put my seat back = [席を倒す](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/87010/)
recline = 席を倒す
for a bit = 少しの間
catch some shut-eye = 寝る
excuse me = すみません
どちらでも [〜してもいいですか](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52801/)という意味ですが、丁寧のレベルが違います。
Can Iの方が丁寧感がありません(失礼なわけではないですが)
Is it alright if の方が長くて、丁寧に話したいときに使います。
Would you mind ifの方は、「would」が入っているのでさらに丁寧になります。
you mind = 構いますか?という意味で、相手の気持ちを機になるのも表現します。
使うときに、「Excuse me」か「I’m sorry」を先に言うのがおすすめです。
「Excuse me, would you mind if I put my seat back?」
「I’m sorry, is it alright if I put my seat back?」
If yours is a long trip, say you are flying overseas, you might definitely want to recline your seat at some point so that you can have a nap. However, you will definitely need to seek some form of agreement with the passenger sitting directly behind you. Hopefully he/she is not long legged, such that his/her legs are not already touching the back of your seat. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may politely ask:
Excuse me, would you mind if I reclined my seat?
May I recline my seat please?
May I put my seat back please?
Excuse me, would you mind if I reclined my seat?
May I recline my seat please?
May I put my seat back please?
Could I recline my seat please? Would it bother you?
Well, really, on a plane when the space between seats is really very restrictive, you could probably predict that any further reduction of this small space is not a desirable option for any passenger! It is generally a matter of common courtesy NOT to recline seats on a plane, especially on short haul flights. However, if you must make such a request you could ask:
"Could I recline my seat please? Would it bother you?"
"Sorry, it would really bother me. I'd prefer it if you didn't."
"Could I recline my seat please? Would it bother you?" "私は座席をリクライニングできますか?大丈夫でしょうか?"
"Sorry, it would really bother me. I'd prefer it if you didn't.""申し訳ないけど、邪魔になってしまうので、できればしてほしくないです”
Excuse me is a polite way to get someones attention before asking something or interrupting someone.
recline = lean or lie back in a relaxed position with the back supported.
It's not necessary to ask someone on a plane to recline your seat because most people will expect that you will especially if it's a long flight, but it is polite to do so.
Excuse me は丁寧に誰かを尋ねる時に使われます。
recline = 席を倒すことです。
Recline means move the back of a seat into a sloping position.
For example: "He tried to recline his seat". The use of the word "please" also makes the sentence polite.
Recline とは、シートを傾けるという意味です。
"He tried to recline his seat". "please"は文章を丁寧にします。
"Excuse me, Is it okay if I put the seat back?"
"Excuse me" will get the persons attention.
" Is it okay if I put the seat back?" This asks the person if they are okay with you putting the seat back.
"Excuse me, Would you mind if I put the seat back?" This also politely asks if you can put the seat back.
"Excuse me, Is it okay if I put the seat back?"
"Excuse me" と言って人の注意を引きます。
" Is it okay if I put the seat back?"
"Excuse me, Would you mind if I put the seat back?"
"Can I recline my seat" is the easiest and one of the more polite ways to ask if you can move your seat back. Remember "May I" is always more polite than "Can I" so "May I put my seat back" is extremely polite. "Mind if I move my seat back" is very casual but people will still appreciate you asking.
"Can I recline my seat" (シートを倒してもいいですが?)は、座席を倒すときに使うことのできる最も簡単で丁寧な表現です。
"May I" (~してもいいですか)は "Can I" よりも丁寧であることを覚えておいてください。 ですので、"May I put my seat back"(座席を倒してもいいですか?)は非常に丁寧な表現となります。 "Mind if I move my seat back"(座席を倒してもいい?)はとてもカジュアルな表現ですが、尋ねられて悪い気のしない表現でしょう。
It is always good to ask the person behind you if they mind before you recline your seat. They might have very long legs that you cannot see from your position. If you are asked by another passenger you could say something like this:
Q: Excuse me, would you mind if I reclined my seat?
A: No problem, go ahead./ Actually I don't have much room here, sorry but I'd rather you didn't.
Q: Excuse me, would you mind if I reclined my seat?(すみません、座席を倒してもいいですか)
A: No problem, go ahead.(大丈夫ですよ、どうぞ)
A: Actually I don't have much room here, sorry but I'd rather you didn't.(実はここ結構狭いんですよ。申し訳ないですけど、、)
To recline means to put something back such as a seat or armchair, when asking someone in a plane if they do not mind if you put your seat back, one can say,"Do you mind if I recline my seat?''
To reclineは、シートや肘掛け椅子のような物を後ろに倒すことです。機内で席を倒しても良いかどうかを尋ねる時は、Do you mind if I recline my seat?''(席を倒しても良いですか?)と言うことが出来ます。
"May I decline my seat?"
Is more of a polite and formal way of structuring this sentence, 'May I' is a polite question asking 'Can I'.
to 'decline' something is often used to describe going in a backward motion, often for
the back of a seat/chair.
"May I decline my seat?"
これは、とても丁寧でかしこまった表現です。'May I' (~してもいいですか?)は 'Can I'のより丁寧な表現です。
It is good manners to alert the person behind you if you would like to push back your seat.
They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
If you have no leg room and would like to push your seat back for more room, use the sentences above.
Alert: to let someone know, make aware of
Legroom: space for your legs.
"Excuse me, ma'am, do you mind if I push my seat back, I have very little room."
Alert: 知らせること
Legroom: 足元のスペース
"Excuse me, ma'am, do you mind if I push my seat back, I have very little room."
if you would like to ask this formally then you could say something like "would you mind if I recline my seat?"
otherwise informally you could say something like "can I put my seat back?"
丁寧に尋ねるなら、"would you mind if I recline my seat?"(シートを倒してもよろしいですか)などと言えます。
カジュアルに尋ねるなら、"can I put my seat back?"(シートを倒してもいいですか)などと言えます。
・Do you mind if I put my seat back?
・Would it be OK if I put my seat back?