"一緒に行く人はなんて言ってるの?"は「What is your companion saying?」または「what is your fellow traveler's opinion?」と表現できますね。
最初の例文では「companion」で"連れ"と表し「What is ○○ saying?」は"○○はなんて言ってるの?"になり合わせて"連れはなんて言ってるの?"と問うようになります。
次の例文では「companion」の代わりに「fellow traveler」を使ってます、これは"旅の連れ"または"旅人の同士/仲間"と言う意味になります。こちらの例では「what is ○○'s opinion?」で"○○の意見は?"と聞いています。
What does the person you're going with have to say about it?
What does your travel partner think about the whole thing?
ーWhat does the person you're going with have to say about it?
person you're going with で「一緒に行く人」
ーWhat does your travel partner think about the whole thing?
travel partner で「旅行仲間」