They had the nerve to pull down a well-organised display.
They dared to pull down a well-organised display.
整然とした陳列 とは "a well-organised display" と言えます。
それを崩すのは "to overturn", "to pull down", "to wreck" と言えます。
"overturn" が「ひっくり返す」に近い「覆す」と言う意味です。"pull down" とは「引く」と「下に」を組み合わせて「引き倒す」みたいな意味です。"wreck" のほうは「壊す」、「破る」みたいな崩すことです。
あえてとは "to have the nerve to" または "to dare to" になります。
They had the nerve to pull down a well-organised display.
They dared to wreck a well-organised display.
Having the nerve to pull down a well-organised display, it was like the customers thought they were on a treasure hunt!