When I was young, I was a useless member of society and spent all my time horse-racing, at pachinko, and playing mah-jong.
When I was young, I was a failure and spent all my time horse-racing, at pachinko, and playing mah-jong.
useless member of society
a failure
a hopeless case
a fuck up (注意点:結構乱暴な言い方なので、仲いい友達だけと言います、丁寧や職場にこの言葉を使わないでください)
○○に明け暮れたー> 「to spend all one's time on~ ○○」
若い時ー> when I was young
競馬ー> horse racing
パチンコー> pachinko
麻雀ー> mah-jong