Can you tell me which migraine medicine works well? = よく聞く偏頭痛薬を教えてもらえますか
頭痛薬ありますかと聞きたい時はDo you have headache medicine?と聞きましょう。
works で「効く」「効力がある」という意味があります。
medicine には頭痛・偏頭痛等の症状を前につけていうことが多いです。(toothache medicine/stomachache medicine)
kicks in で「効果が出る」という意味もあります。
"The medication will start to kick in soon"(その薬は時期に効果が出るよ)
Painkillers are drugs or medicine use to relieve pain.
Since you maybe feeling some pain you can ask for painkillers. On the other hand you explain to the pharmacist the symptoms you are having and then they can recommend you something.
To recommend means to suggest something.
Painkillers とは、薬や医薬で、痛みを止めるものです。
一方で、 薬剤師に症状を伝えて、何かすすめてくるものを聞いても良いでしょう。
To recommend は、何かを提案するという意味です。
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
If you are at a drugstore and need medication for your headache, there are several ways you can ask for medications to relieve the pain.
"What can I take for a headache?"
"Which drug is best for a headache?
"What medication works well with a headache?"
"Can you give me something for this headache?"
"I need something to pass my headache."
In this case the expression "pass my headache" means for the pain to go away.
1."What can I take for a headache?"
"Which drug is best for a headache?
"What medication works well with a headache?"
4 "Can you give me something for this headache?"
"I need something to pass my headache."
If you want to ask at a drugstore or pharmacy which medicine is best to treat a headache, you can ask:
What is the strongest headache medication you have?
Strongest - The most powerful or the one with the greatest strength,
Headache medication - medicine for headache.
Which medicine is best to relieve a migraine?
Relieve - to alleviate, to lift, to make better.
A migraine is a severe headache that has stronger symptoms and normally lasts for longer than a headache.
Sometimes you can ask for the personal opinion of the person at the drugstore by asking:
Which medicine would you take for a migraine?
I find this sometimes gets a better response because it is the medicine that they would recommend personally.
I hope that helps!
What is the strongest headache medication you have?
strongest - 一番強力な、力がある
headache medication - 頭痛薬
Which medicine is best to relieve migraine?
relieve - 緩和する、取り去る、良くする
migraine は深刻な頭痛で通常の頭痛よりも
Which medicine would you take for a migraine?
>What medication can you recommend for a headache?
>I have the worst headache, what is the best medication you can recommend?
*recommend=put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose.
Him: Hi, what can I help you with.
Me: I have the worst headache.
Him: Do you want something specific or can I recommend something?
Me:what is the best medication you can recommend?
Him:Let me get something for you.
Me: Thank you.
>What medication can you recommend for a headache?
>I have the worst headache, what is the best medication you can recommend?
* recommend =許可を得た特定の目的に合ったものとして(誰かまたは何かを)教えてあげる。
彼:Hi, what can I help you with.
私:I have the worst headache.
彼:Do you want something specific or can I recommend something?
私:what is the best medication you can recommend?
彼:Let me get something for you.
私:Thank you.
Excuse me, What can you recommend for a headache?
I have a terrible headache, what do you think I should take?
In both examples, you are asking the professional to recommend/tell you which medication/medicine is most suitable to help your headache go away.
A) Do you have any strong pain killers for me?
Strong- An effective drug
Pain killers-a drug or a medicine for relieving pain.
B) Which pill would take my headache away in no time ?
Which-asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set.
Example-"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?"
Pill-a small round mass of solid medicine for swallowing whole.
Example-"an overdose of sleeping pills"
*Headache-a continuous pain in the head.
Example-"I've got a splitting headache"
I hope this helps :-)
A) Do you have any strong pain killers for me?
Strong- 薬の効果
Pain killers- 痛み止め
B) Which pill would take my headache away in no time ?
例"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?"
例-"an overdose of sleeping pills"
例-"I've got a splitting headache"
Headaches can come in various forms. Hangovers, migraines, sore heads, splitting headaches etc., are the various headache descriptions. As to which type of medicine would be best to cure each of these can only be advised by a pharmacist at a drugstore. Pharmacists will always give you the best advice as to which medicine would be best to cure a particular ailment.
So, you may ask the pharmacist:
Which is the best medicine for a headache?
Please advise me as to which medicine is best for a migraine.
What is the best medicine for a hangover?
頭痛には幾つかのパターンがあります。hangovers(二日酔い)、migraines(偏頭痛)、sore heads(刺すような頭痛)、splitting headaches(割れるような頭痛)などが頭痛にまつわる表現です。頭痛のタイプによりどの薬を飲むべきかを薬局の薬剤師がアドバイスしてくれるでしょう。症状に合わせてどの薬が最も有効かアドバイスしてくれるのはpharmacist(薬剤師)です。以上を踏まえて下記のように薬剤師に質問できます。
Which is the best medicine for a headache?
Please advise me as to which medicine is best for a migraine.
What is the best medicine for a hangover?
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)
At a drugstore, you wish to ask which medicine works well for a headache? Either of the above suggestions is suitable for that kind of scenario.
Use the sentences above if you are not sure what medicine to buy and if you would like the pharmacist to help you decide on your purchase.
You can get painkillers in the form of tablets, capsules, powder or syrup.
It is usually best to make sure you have eaten before medicating.