Urinary tract stones form most frequently in men from the ages of 30 to 40, and in women above the age of 50.
Kidney stones are most likely to form in men from the ages of 30 to 40, and in women above the age of 50.
Men from the ages of 30 to 40 and women above the age of 50 are most susceptible to urinary tract stones.
尿路結石は英語でurinary tract stone(腎臓の中でできたものならkidney stone)と言います。「好発」は色々表現がありますが、most frequently(一番頻度が高い)やmost likely(一番可能性が高い)が一番よく使われます。
Urinary tract stones form most frequently in〜
Urinary tract stones are most likely to form in〜
You become more susceptible to colds when you don't get enough rest.