I try not to go to a place where there are a lot of people around.
I try to avoid places where there is a huge crowd.
"I try not to go to a place"=「私は~の場所には行かないようにしています」
"where there are a lot of people around."=「人が周りに多いところに。」
"I try to avoid places"=「私は~の場所を避けようとしている」
"where there is a huge crowd."=「人々が多いところを。」
I'm trying to avoid as much as possible going to places with lots of people.
「なるべく人の多い所には行かないようにしているんだ」は英語で「I'm trying to avoid as much as possible going to places with lots of people.」と言います。「なるべく」の「as much as possible」は文章の頭でも使えます。「~ようにしている」は英語で「trying to do ~」で、「たまにやらざるを得ない時もあるけどできるだけしない」ニュアンスが入っています。
As much as possible, I'm trying to avoid going to places with lots of people.