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2015/11/30 10:08
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  • ① Do you have a newspaper subscription?

新聞を取っているかどうかは「subscription」があるかどうかになります。 ”登録”という意味ですね。 従って、「① Do you have a newspaper subscription?」と言います。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Do you subscribe to a newspaper?

「購読する」のは subscribe(名詞は subscription)を使います。 前置詞の to を忘れがちなのでご注意ください。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • Do you have a newspaper subscription?

  • Which newspaper do you subscribe to?

  • Which is the best newspaper to subscribe to?

You may simply ask an individual are they subscribed to a newspaper. If they say yes, then you can then ask which newspaper. People also purchase subscriptions to magazines and newsletters. Depending on who you ask, you can also determine which newspaper might be the best to subscribe to.
シンプルに購読しているか尋ねれば良いものと思います。 もしそうだったら、どの新聞なのか尋ねてみましょう。 雑誌やニュースレターなども購読しているかもしれませんね。 誰に尋ねるかによって、どの新聞を購読するかきめられるでしょう。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a subscription for that newspaper?

  • Are you a subscriber to that newspaper?

You have just paid in advance for a yearly subscription to the Financial Times. you love to read the financial columns and keep track of your share prices. you tell your friend: "I just paid for a yearly subscription of the Financial Times. Do you have a subscription for that newspaper?" Your friend replies: "No, not that paper. I prefer the Daily Star and am paid up until December."
あなたはちょうど今Financial Timesの年間講読料を事前に支払ったところです。 あなたは財政のコラムを読むのが好きで、あなたの株の相場をチェックするのも好きです。 "I just paid for a yearly subscription of the Financial Times. Do you have a subscription for that newspaper?" ーFinancial Timesの年間講読料を払ったとこだよ。 あなたはこの新聞を購読していますか? 友人は返答します: "No, not that paper. I prefer the Daily Star and am paid up until December." ーこれじゃないです。 Daily Starの方が好きで、12月分まで払いました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you subscribed to any newspapers?

  • What newspaper do you have a subscription with?

If you would like to ask someone if they are subscribed to a newspaper, you can say: Have you subscribed to any newspapers? You can also ask: What newspaper do you have a subscription with?
新聞をとっているか人に尋ねたいなら: 'Have you subscribed to any newspapers?'(新聞を購読したことはありますか?) ↑と言えます。 また: 'What newspaper do you have a subscription with?'(どの新聞を購読していますか?) ↑と聞くことも出来ます。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a subscription to X newspaper?

  • Are you subscribed to any newspaper?

  • Which newspaper are you subscribed to?

Do you have a subscription to X newspaper? This is used to ask someone if they are subscribed to a specific newspaper. Are you subscribed to any newspaper? This is used to ask about a non-specific subscription to any newspaper. Which newspaper are you subscribed to? You can ask this general questions when you assume that they do have a subscription with a newspaper.
Do you have a subscription to X newspaper? これはX新聞を定期購読しているか尋ねる文です。 Are you subscribed to any newspaper? これは定期購読している新聞があるかどうか尋ねる文です。 Which newspaper are you subscribed to? どの新聞を定期購読していますか? このように、相手が定期購読している新聞があると分かればこのように尋ねることができます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Do you subscribe to a newspaper?

To avoid the inconvenience of having to buy a newspaper from the streets everyday, some people decide to subscribe to it monthly. The verb to 'subscribe', in this context, means to to pay for the newspaper monthly in advance. This takes off the inconvenience of always walking or driving some distance away from your home just to go and buy a newspaper. So, you may ask: Do you subscribe to a newspaper?
毎日通りで新聞を買う手間を省くために、定期購読をする人がいます。 「subscribe(=動詞)」はここでは、一月分の新聞代を事前に支払っておくことを言います。 こうすることで、毎回毎回家から歩いて(車で)新聞を買いに行かなくて済みます。 以下のように聞けます: Do you subscribe to a newspaper? (新聞を取っていますか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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