Kakizome is writing on calligraphy paper using sumi ink.
「書き初めは、墨を使って半紙に筆で書く。」は英語で「Kakizome is the first calligraphy writing of the year; writing on calligraphy paper with ink.」という表現が良いと思います。
書き初めーThe first calligraphy of the year・The first calligraphy writing of the year
墨ーInk・Chinese ink
半紙ーCalligraphy paper
筆ーWriting brush・Calligraphy brush
Kakizome is the first writing of the new year, and is written with ink and calligraphy paper.
「書き初めは、墨を使って半紙に筆で書く」は英語で「Kakizome is the first writing of the new year, and is written with ink and calligraphy paper.」と言います。書初めという文化は日本にしかないので、書初めの説明を入れました。
Kakizome is the first writing of the new year, and is written with ink and calligraphy paper. Let's all do it together.