Women who live alone in the downtown area of cities do not say hi to their neighbours to keep themselves safe.
ーWomen who live alone in the downtown area of cities do not say hi to their neighbours to keep themselves safe.
downtown area of cities で「都心」
keep oneself safe で「我が身の安全を守る」
In the suburbs, it's common for people to have good relations with their neighbours and their family, but women who live alone in city centers intentionally avoid saying hi to their neighbours just to be safe.
suburb で「郊外」
common で「普通の・ありふれた」
city center で「都心」
intentionally で「意図的に・故意に」
avoid で「避ける」
"In the city, for safety reasons, especially women living alone, don’t greet or interact with their neighbors."
"for safety reasons"(安全上の理由で)や"women living alone"(一人暮らしの女性)といった表現を使うことで、しっかりと意図を伝えることができます。"greet or interact with"(挨拶したり関わったりする)というフレーズで、隣人との接触を避けるというニュアンスを表現しています。
- "In suburban areas, it’s common for families to know each other, but in the city, for safety reasons, especially women living alone, don’t greet or interact with their neighbors."
"In urban areas, for security reasons, especially single women living alone, do not greet their neighbors."
**1. "In urban areas, for security reasons, especially single women living alone, do not greet their neighbors."**
- **"In urban areas"** → 「都心では」
- **"for security reasons"** → 「防犯のため」
- **"especially single women living alone"** → 「特に一人暮らしの女性」
- **"do not greet their neighbors"** → 「隣人に挨拶しない」
**「挨拶しない」** という部分は "do not greet" でシンプルに表現していますが、もう少し強調したい場合は **"avoid greeting"(挨拶を避ける)** でもOKです。
**2. "In city apartments, people, especially single women, often avoid interacting with neighbors for safety reasons."**
- **"In city apartments"** → 「都心のマンションでは」
- **"people, especially single women"** → 「人々、特に一人暮らしの女性は」
- **"often avoid interacting with neighbors"** → 「隣人と関わることを避けることが多い」
- **"for safety reasons"** → 「安全上の理由で」
**「隣人に挨拶しない」だけでなく、関わり自体を避けるというニュアンスを含める場合は、"avoid interacting with neighbors"** を使うとよいでしょう。