When I have an online lesson, there's no one around me.
「授業を受ける」はhave a lessonとかtake a lessonと言えますが、この話としてhave a lessonの方が自然な言い方です。
「自分の周りに」はaround meと言います。他の言い方はin my vicinityですが、これの方が高級な英語で珍しい言い方です。
When I have my online lesson, there's nobody else around me, so I tend to think about other things.
When I do my lesson on the computer, my mind often drifts away because I'm all by myself in the room.
ーWhen I have my online lesson, there's nobody else around me, so I tend to think about other things.
to have one's online lesson で「オンラインレッスンを受ける」
there's nobody else around me で「私の周りに誰もいない」
to tend to think about other things 「他のことを考えがちだ」
ーWhen I do my lesson on the computer, my mind often drifts away because I'm all by myself in the room.
to do one's lesson on the computer で「パソコンでレッスンをする」=「オンラインレッスンをする」
my mind drifts away で「考えがさまよう・ぼーっとする」
I'm all by myself in the room. で「私は部屋でたった一人です」=自分の周りに誰もいない、と言えます。